
Saturday 22 April 2017


So what is ASKESIS? The ancient Greek term means training or exercise, like physical training and exercise. The adjective "ascetic", derives from it. Have you ever experienced a "Deja vu"? The first that I remember experiencing it was in the 70's while on a Greek island. I knew that I had been there before in a previous lifetime, the experience was intense.

In its original usage it did not refer to "self-denial", it applied to effort required and rigorous practice to attain a higher state of being, and higher spirituality. Sometimes withdrawn from the world to live as a recluse, a spiritual transformation that is brought about by the self-discipline that is involved.


April 2017

A reaching of higher goals, spiritual fitness, a peak spiritual fitness, and Jesus certainly had a goal and gave his followers some fabulous training. Did you reach your goal in life? This article describes it as "having strength that has no "market value". Yet, it is the thing that identifies the artist as unique". 

You can't bottle spiritual strength can you? You can't bottle the Holy Spirit up. You can't manufacture it, you can't put it on a shelf in a supermarket.

Love is strong in Christ. The anointed are strong in their spirituality, and the embracing of the love that is more powerful than anything that ever stands against it.

You can view it in how many creatives work in isolation, in aloneness happily, or as when a person is working on an important project. How far can your talents be stretched, how much can your talents and skills grow? Did you develop new ones on your spiritual journey?

Remember there were times when even Jesus the mystic and prophet had to go and be on his own for awhile. Away from his spiritual community and away from the world. This link gives you different views of it, from different perspectives down the ages, although to live it is to know it, for it can have very different meanings for different people.

Another example, ever tried to write a book? In my experience, if you can write, then the fastest way to write a book is to be away from the rest of the world. The same with writing a film script, did you know that Carl Jung and Einstein were both divinely guided?

When I was running high level training courses, with the power of the Spirit and its strength, I would take my students away to the countryside, away from their partners, families and friends, together we would work together in small groups, so that they had my utmost attention, and I had theirs. I knew that in nature they would be given exactly what they required, and experience exactly what the divine plan was for their divine experiences to enjoy.

It meant that they had to focus on what was really important for their spiritual strength to come to be. They had to concentrate on the divine training that they were being given.

They had to be committed to their spiritual practice to enable them to become strong deliverers of the healing discipline that they had been guided to deliver. In the strength of it, they could help their children to be spiritually strong too. There are times in your life when you might feel physically weak. However, if you are strong spiritually, that strength, will get you through, keeping the light burning brightly in the power of its love.


Ask and you shall be given. Sometimes those that live as an ascetic are given when they do not ask, for it is rare for an ascetic to ask for anything for the self. Although the LORD knows what ascetics require before they do, so for instance "Cheese and Eggs", eat them for your nutrient boosters.

While mystics do what we are anointed to do, others are marching for Science, and that's OK too, for it takes many different kinds of people to help life to continue.

Spirituality and Science can and does work together. Some of our cutting edge scientists are incredibly spiritual, and have done a great job in helping to prove some spiritual realities.

As the LORD said, "By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it". 

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