
Tuesday 18 April 2017

Golden Slumbers Carry That Weight The End

Another great Beatles song, and feels fitting for the day that Theresa May announced that she is calling for parliament to vote for an election on June 8th. June 8th is the "Day of Influence". Nigel Farage is on his way back from Italy and he was talking about this happening a month ago.

Phil Collins sung it also, in this video in the studio with George Martin.

Interesting that I had a dream in recent days and I had put on weight in the dream.

Although it looked like when I was younger when I first began to change my menus and when I did, the weight shed very quickly.

With this announcement of another election so quickly, people will really have to look at themselves and where they're coming from.

It's not about BREXIT, BREXIT is already law, and cannot be changed now.

Is Theresa May leaving? Is it finally out with Cameron's people, as Theresa May was one of his cabinet.

Let's see what happens, as the Conservative Party have been fined for over spending on election campaigning, that was a contributory factor in stopping Nigel getting elected. It didn't only happen in Nigel's area it happened in many more areas, Nigel mentioned about 20 in his LBC broadcast.

As we know UKIP have a new leader, the Lib Dems, stood against the "disabled" and "students", and don't let us even go there with Labour and Jeremy Corbyn, who supports "multi-culturalism", and "cultural genocide" of our countries.

Did you know that in the last three years, nearly 3 million so-called asylum seekers have applied to live in the UK? A majority of that 3 million are from Islamic countries. We all know what happened in Westminster recently outside the houses of parliament, there was also an "acid attack", in Dalston at a nightclub and Theresa May, didn't even mention it today in her public announcement. Never mind the people hey Theresa, it's all about politics and career politicians, the "bane" of the lives of the people.

The odds are on for a Conservative win. However, I think there will certainly be some surprises, as some people are definitely not happy with some of their MP's.

The Nigel Farage on LBC, on the "Snap Election". He says, he hasn't decided yet whether he will stand as he thinks he can be more effective during the Brexit negotiations while he is in his existing position as an MEP.

So what does scripture say, "The LORD is the strength of his people. A fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance. Be their shepherd and carry them forever". Psalm 28:8-9

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