
Tuesday 25 April 2017


So French celebrities are threatening to leave France if Marine Le Pen becomes the President of France. That must be a good sign for France, Marine Le Pen is not afraid and nor are her supporters.

French people stand strong in Christ to defend your historical culture, be formidable. There is an interesting verse of the day. "To them God has chosen to make known among the gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope and glory. He is the one that we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ". Colossians 1:27-28

So it is that wisdom is found in the prophecies, "wisdom more precious than rubies." Interesting that one of the (English) men that is mentioned in the Proverbs 31 prophecy moved to France with his work decades ago, while yours truly stayed in England.


You have defended your country before, and you can do it again. Always defend your culture and say no to cultural genocide. Our thoughts are with you, for the best outcome for the French people.


April 2017 

You have to choose whether you would like a referendum on membership of the EU, if you do, then what other choice is there than Marine Le Pen? Is it not time to have a woman president to represent the people of France? I think it is time for France, to celebrate, to claim it's independence day, to take your country back. The time is right, the time is now.

In the last year, the French visits to this blog have increased to such an extent that France is now the country that has visited the most since it began. The world is watching France and what the French choose.

The top three countries of people that have been visiting. Bonbon France, France has risen to the top and you did it quickly, news spread quickly.

United States
United Kingdom

Marine Le Pen said, "The grandeur of the people, only proceeds from the people". "The survival of France is at stake". 

I always smiled when I saw the French farmers stand up for themselves, France is known internationally for its French food, and a lot more. Interesting that some years ago, French perfume was shown to yours truly in a dream. My mother and I always wore French fragrances.

Lily was formidable, did she get it from her French heritage? Maybe, everyone loved her, there was something about her, that made her so different. An incredible strength of will, so strong, so determined, she knew that it was the sheer strength of will that helped people to live. 

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