
Thursday 20 April 2017

Clacton Candidate "We have to put country first, party second"

I so agree with Arron Banks on that statement. Country first, party second. Arron said that while speaking to BBC Radio Essex in his first interview since announcing his intention to stand in the June 8th election.

Arron Banks is standing against Douglas Carswell in the forthcoming election.

Douglas left UKIP to go back to the Conservatives, after trying to "sideline" Nigel Farage during the referendum campaign.

When questioned, it was pointed out during the interview that Douglas Carswell lives in Fulham and business man Arron Banks said that he would buy a house in Clacton if elected to represent it.

My view is that Arron Banks would be brilliant for revitalising that area, and it is a serious opportunity that the people of Clacton should grab with both hands. Country first and party second, our countryside is of prime importance to the people of our country.

Arron Banks has been one of the major donors to UKIP that enabled Nigel Farage and his team to push forward to ensure that we were given the referendum. These men have kept the pressure on wholeheartedly for decades. Will you continue to give them your support and the man that funded it for so long? Arron Banks plans to put Clacton on the map!

His view is that UKIP candidates should only stand against remainer candidates, and that makes sense doesn't it, be strong and vote for those that support BREXIT, not all Conservatives do. I'd like to see Arron Banks take on the county council and the CCG's. As there have been NHS closures in the Clacton area.

Arron Banks was born on the 22nd of March, hence the power of 22 and charity, linked to his donations to UKIP, plus, he is just in Aries, and born on the CUSP of REBIRTH, exactly what Clacton requires, a complete rebirth.


Paint spread on April 19th.


Latest news is that Douglas Carswell has stepped down and will not be running for re-election. Douglas must learn that you can't leave a party, join a different one, then return to a former party, and ask people still to support you in parliament. Especially, when you turned against the leader of the party that supported you and your office.

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