
Thursday 6 April 2017


Another dream, this morning I had another dream this time it was a dream of a china vase and the vase was broken. I was picking up the vase and showing another woman what had happened to the vase. A china vase is an object, the object was broken, China make a lot of objects and have objectives and dreams of their own.

In dream interpretation to dream of china that is cracked or broken can indicate that you can expect a change that may not be entirely to your liking, but will eventually prove beneficial.

To dream of a vase can indicate tiresome trials and tribulations that are forecast, although the experiences will be ultimately beneficial, so try to be philosophical for the time being. 

This dream comes after the dream of the ants.

As far as I am aware, Saturn and Mercury are both retrograde at this time, so interesting to have these dreams at this time especially when so much is going on with BREXIT, and the meetings that Trump is having. The planets indicate that it is not business as usual and Uranus is in Aries until 2018 a seven year cycle.

Aries the Ram, action orientated, independent, thought provoking and can include fiery and or powerful responses. So will it be for the Aramatheopist?

Let's wait and see shall we what this Aquarian will be doing next in my third age. My dad was an Aries, (although he was born in March on the cusp of Pisces, so he was definitely sensitive, and in-tune with his own energies) so I do comprehend the energies of the Ram and how forceful and powerful it can be. Combine that with the Uranian energy, and WOW!

Interesting that Professor Jordan Peterson has spoken of how it is up to the Father to bring out the best in his children and that can often include a man's discipline, although it is usually the way, that Aries men really love women and the genuine female energy. Aries men can be very adventurous so they often require a woman that can keep them in check.

So it is sure to be a time when men are defending women, to keep them safe. To some young women that might feel like being restricted or limited, and feel like control or like your freedom is being reduced, just go with the flow and be philosophical about it, because the best of the male energies do have your best interest in their hearts in this timeline.

As the woman in Isaiah 54 discovered for herself when she was old enough to appreciate it. The keyword for the Aquarian is freedom, so when young, being restricted or held back for any reason, makes those people rebel and that usually backfires upon them until such time as they realise the sheer importance of self-discipline.

Although friendships can be difficult with Aries women when they are young, due to them being so demanding when they are young, Aries are the baby of the zodiac that would like everyone to give them exactly what they would like, like when parents would like you to achieve what they would like to achieve.  Although if Aries turn to healing themselves, if they self-reflect, they can make incredible breakthroughs.

Hence, what is happening will have a huge impact on the younger generations that cannot have everything that they would like. Especially those in their 20's who still have a lot to learn. As it isn't until you are in your 30's, that you really start to become comfortable with who you are as an individual. It is then that people often become a lot more accepting, and a lot more understanding, especially if and when they have children of their own.

There really is no point fighting the planetary energies at this time. You have to learn to work with it and what your dreams are showing you is happening on a planetary level. Know this, that you are not alone, and there are many positive energies that really do care about women. Venus is only retrograde until the middle of April, so not long to wait, to see how things are evolving in relations and the field of love.

People are going to have to take a hard line with China and seriously look at the amount of trade deficit that is due to Chinese imports. Of course then there is the issue of North and South Korea, a difficult year for people, that have backed China, its objects, consumerism, and materialism that was supported and promoted by Obama.

As those people and corporations have pushed consumerism to the point of causing economic issues for the countries that China trades with.

Chinese objects don't put food on the table, or feed a family, and when the financial climate is difficult, people don't buy objects, because they can't afford to do so. There was also a woman in the dream, and it is usually women that buy objects. It is usually the women that are shopaholics, as shopping became a past time for women when they had the prosperity to be so. When that past-time is taken away, being restricted or limited, then what do those women do?

Truly the simple things in life are best, and Elijah is a healer and restorer. So will you take this opportunity to work on yourselves and help others to help themselves or will you try to stand in a tidal wave and chase the hurricanes, because planetary energies are impacting upon the ecological aspects.

Its bound to be due to Luke 17, and this timeline being like the time of Noah and Lot. I've already issued a warning to the LGBT community about the new passports and how its important that they protect themselves from putting the spotlight on themselves, by demanding an "X" on British passports.

Ultimately, the LGBT community cannot force people to accept them, Jesus knew that too, and making laws about it, will not change the minds of the majority. If the LGBT community insist upon forcing humanity, I have it on good authority and have been told by the heavenly Father, that they will be "annihilated" after I read about what was being planned with the passports by the LGBT charity. So please don't be a china vase that can be smashed easily, after you've been exported into a different realm of being.

In the book of Job, when there was broken pottery, his wife asked him, 'Are you still maintaining your integrity?". Job 2:10.

Broken pottery is mentioned in the book of Revelation, "To the one that is victorious, and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations, that one will rule them with an iron sceptre and will dash them to pieces like pottery. Just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star". Rev 2:26-28. 

In Greece they have huge containers arriving of manufactured products from China. China was even looking at buying up the Greek ports with the Arabs, the last time that I looked. There are a lot of orientals living in Greece, and Greek business people shared that the influx of oriental immigrations were brought in during the building of the Olympic stadium.

Economic migrants were brought into Greece, at a time when Greece still had high unemployment and the excuse given by the Greek government was that they required the immigrants to staff the building of and running of the Greek Olympics. The same happened in Sydney, Australia in that timeline.

In Greece now, there are oriental children working on the streets of Athens, selling the Chinese product that is shipped in. That in itself, child labour, should turn people away from buying anything made in China. Turn your hearts to the children, and only buy what is essential.

What else have China been up to? They bought a copper mountain in Peru against the wishes of the indigenous people. That is their natural resource, it belongs to the Peruvians, not China.

They've bought land in Afghanistan where the ancient Greco-Buddhist city used to be, more natural resources of other peoples lands bought by China.

The decimation of elephants in Africa, is due to the poachers selling the ivory to China. Elephants became practically extinct in China due to the decimation of their own elephants and don't get me started on the human rights of their people.

Remember how they were forcibly taking the organs of spiritual people and what they were doing to spiritual people that were practising their spiritual exercises and art? Seriously, would you do business with such a nation? Integrity would not do business with China, so how much integrity do the nations have? Let China stay on their own oriental Asian continent, and stop them invading ours economically.

What's in the news today? Trump and China. Interesting that China as a female foreign minister. That was pre-planned for sure, a female foreign minister and I had a dream about a broken Chinese vase.

In numerics the 6th of April, is the "Day of Experiment". 

Tommy Robinson has confronted one of the trolls, that was inciting "murder" against him. The youngster doesn't agree with Tommy having the human right to be critical of any ideology, yet, it seems to think it's alright for him to "incite murder". Fortunately, after he posted it, he deleted it. However, Tommy managed to track him down, and confronted him accordingly.

Quite right too Tommy, let them speak to you face to face to make their case, because in most cases they can't, that's when they receive a reality check, just like this youngster did on film. They don't expect you to turn up on their doorstep to confront them and call them out. Of course that wouldn't be necessary if these youngsters had any common sense and actually investigated Islam for themselves.

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