
Sunday 2 April 2017


Author, and first wave feminist Camille Paglia agrees with Professor Jordan Peterson on the issue of the "trans-gender pronouns" and defends his view on it.

Camille's latest book is titled, "Free Women, Free Men". If you watch some of her interviews and presentations, the Professor shares her historical perspective of what's happened to our culture, and also what happens to cultures when they're collapsing.

An American Professor that says that  "Transgender Mania is a symptom of the West's Cultural Collapse", and if you look back in history it happens every time that a culture is on the brink. 

I tend to agree with her views on the fact that the more successful and financially resourceful people have become, the less community there is. In fact, it is those that have less, that spend more time with their families, and go on vacation and have more pleasure time with their families.

In some cases with all three generations together, looking after one another. That is certainly what I remember, we would go on vacation with my grandparents and parents. Family life is so important and I did my utmost to make sure that my son and I spent as much time as we could with family.

Interesting that in the Jesus prophecies in scripture, that he mentioned that it would be like the time of Noah and Lot, when the "Son of Man" is revealed. Luke 17. That prophecy supports Camille's view of what has been happening to our culture.

For more information about Camille Paglia

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