
Monday 24 April 2017


April 2017 

Marine Le Pen, the French Bonbon, did great in the French first election round. What does our Jonathan Pie have to say about it? This video is on what is being called "populist politics".

Marine Le Pen is "anti-EU', and "anti-establishment", a French bonbon. France it is time to have a female president, yes, a bonbon. Jonathan Pie is correct in so far as Marine Le Pen is articulate, charismatic and strategic. She cares about defending her country and its historic culture.


Marine LePen would give the French people a referendum on the EU. If she won, and the French people voted to leave the EU, that would be the end of the EU dictatorship, and the borders of the country would be closed too.

A 77% turn out in this French election, the future of France is in the balance and the traditional parties have collapsed in the hands of the French people. 25% of French youth are "unemployed", maybe that's why so many French people came to the UK to work after the Euro tunnel went in.

High unemployment in other European countries, has co-created high unemployment in the UK, the problem is not being resolved, the problem is just moving from country to country. The trade unions knew in the 70's that there wouldn't be jobs for everyone in this timeline. How do the politicians come to terms with that?

On top of that is the trauma of the Islamic invasion, and all that has happened in France in recent years. So will it be FREXIT for France? Now the people have to decide on the future of France, whether they will defend their culture and how they will defend it against what the economic migrants have brought to their country.

The last time I was in Paris was in the 70's, and even then, I really didn't like the feel of the energy on that land. I took my mother and her friends for a long weekend to Paris and she really liked Paris and France. Although Paris today, is not the Paris that she knew when she married in the 1950's. A lot has changed in France in the last 70 years.


April 2017 

I made bonbons on the 22nd of April, so I am pleased that Marine Le Pen did great in the first round on the 23rd. Interesting that they vote on the Christian sabbath in France and in the UK it was St Georges Day.

The question is can France reverse what has happened to France? Or is it too late? Time will tell what happens in the second round, and how many people really would like to take their country back.

The French resistance was powerful in defeating the Germans and Islam in WW2, can they do it again? As I have written previously, WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear its head again.

Marine Le Pen is the only French politician that called out Angela Merkel wasn't she? The same Angela Merkel that Nigel Farage also called out.

This French election is really the proof of how committed French people are in saving their nation, their country and culture. In the UK, UKIP have said, ban the burka, ban sharia. Marine Le Pen agrees with that and so do a majority of Europeans.

In Burma the Burmese Buddhist monks have even gone so far as to say, ban marriage to Muslims, unless Muslim husbands would like to become Buddhists.

Christians, Buddhists, Hindu's, and Jews, are all saying NO to Islam.

What does biblical prophecy say? Read Hab 2 which mentions what Islam did to Lebanon. The last days of the end times began in the mid 70's, when the Egyptian Arafat and his men, decimated southern Lebanon of its Christians.

More sad news from London today, this time a 17 year old cyclist. BREAKING NEWS, the police report that its the fourth incident this month and the eighth this year. This is teenage children that are being attacked in London. 


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