
Thursday 2 March 2017


On the 1st of March, 2017, I had a dream of being a "victim of a conspiracy", and the dream was in the setting of the IT community. I explained what it means to have that sort of dream, and how in dream interpretation it indicates great social success if you were the person that was a "victim of a conspiracy".

That's an interesting aspect to ponder upon, and it shows us that people conspire against people who are successful, especially with people, and socially. Hence, if you are a success on-line, the same thing happens people conspire against you. If you are successful in your life like Donald Trump was, people conspired against him.

If you are successful in business, or successful as a healer, people conspire against you, there is no limit to what some people are prepared to do to hold onto their realities.

If you have something different to say, if you speak the truth, if you are above the crowd in your uniqueness, people conspire against you. So what does that show us about those people that Nostradamus called 'Conspirators'. In the biblical text, Prophet Isaiah also mentions "Conspiracy".

Professor Jordan Peterson, says that people should be afraid, very afraid, of what is happening, he then goes onto say, be more afraid of not standing up, and speaking up due to what is happening.

Jesus taught people not to be afraid, as he was not afraid and stayed in the love.

So what if you are a "victim of a conspiracy", it is those that conspired against you that have to live with their consciences. It is those that conspired against you that have to live with themselves, and face the consequences of their actions. It is their karma that bounces back upon them like a boomerang, for what they do to others comes back upon them, 30, 60, or 100 fold, it is the spiritual law of giving.

If makes me wonder how many cases like this that clinical psychologists have had to work with in this reality. How can they comprehend it, unless they have been a "victim of a conspiracy" themselves? Does it remind us of the story of Lazarus and what happened to Lazarus?

Being a "victim" of your own success? Some people don't like successful people do they, so they conspire to bring people down to their level, even when people are trying to raise them up. Americans are particularly into it with their character assassinations, although you do come across it in the UK too.

Ultimately, you have to be who you were born to be in the truth of it, no matter what anyone else says or does against you. You have to be true, you have no choice, for what would humanity be without the trueness of real love? What would humanity be without truth and integrity? Ponder upon it!

Just stay in the love, for it is the love that gets you through everything, love is always standing by with its mercy and mercy follows us all the days of our life.

The more professional that you are, the more chance that you have of being a "victim of a conspiracy". What I discovered in my professional work life, is that when a professional comes along, and you're asked to help a company to succeed, if your professionalism highlights the weaknesses of the company, it can trigger the business owners all over the place.

Then when those companies and it's people are triggered, due to their own weaknesses, they then conspire against the talents and skills that they would like to have.

Sometimes you can be a "victim of your own success" can be true in many cases, especially if you are excellent at your job, and Jesus was certainly great at his job, what an incredible healer and miracle worker.

He certainly triggered people with his light of love and truth didn't he? All he was asking is that they be willing to heal what had been triggered, is that so hard to do?

People that work on the self, people that truly self-reflect, people that truly do the in-working, that he asked people to do, don't conspire against others, remember this Clinton and the Obama's are conspirators. Have you ever read Rev 13? Yea, wisdom came to do the count!

Proverbs 31 

The true know that the truth prevails in integrity, it overcomes and is victorious, so always be true, always be faithful and loyal to the truth and who you were born to be.

If you truly followed Jesus, then you became a healer and a miracle worker, not a conspirator, Jesus did not conspire against anyone, and nor do any of his true followers. Jesus knew that his truth was more powerful than anything that anyone could throw at him. That's why we know that Islam will not win, because we know that some of the Arabs were/are conspirators, and even Nostradamus knew of it and their plan that will be "thwarted" as written in biblical prophecy.

No coincidence then that some people in the IT community were helping Saudi when I was taken away from that community. That company didn't last much longer after I was moved away from it.

For I was forbidden by the heavenly Father, to have anything to do with Saudi a decade ago, and when he commands you, as he did Jesus, you certainly do as you are told or suffer the consequences of not doing so. At the end of the day, experience counts, and Jesus foretold that wisdom would indeed come.



January 2017 

Professor Jordan Peterson on "The Necessity of Artists in Society"

1 comment:

  1. Media_Bladders The Ikonoklast ✓ᴰᵉᵖˡᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ • 2 days ago
    Whenever I think of Andrew's sad passing and everything that's happened since then, I'm reminded of the line from Star Wars in which Obi-wan Kenobi tells Darth Vader:

    “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
