
Sunday 12 March 2017

UN Heads Pop - Amal Clooney Speech

I had a dream at dawn and my son was smiling and he was bringing me loads of tobacco in green packaging.

After that I saw the gold outfit that I had worn on the second mission to Israel, it was folded up, and it was being given to someone. That outfit was bought by a client that brought it back from Saudi, although it had been made in India prior to her gifting it to yours truly.

I just realised that the tobacco has a link to our Dutch Jewish heritage, the Dutch Jew, that moved his Arbede family to London, he was a cigar maker, and he had a cigar kiosk in Shaftesbury Avenue. The story goes that he rejected his daughter Catherine, because she married outside of Judaism. Catherine was my great-grandmother on my dad's side. Her eldest son was Joseph, and the family said that he was the only one of her children that she brought up as Jewish. Hence my dad became one of the Sons of Joseph, and today is the last day of the Purim Jewish holidays.

Then today, in the news there has been Turkish protestors in the Netherlands, due to a Turkish diplomat being banned from entering Holland.

Do you remember my dream of Amal Clooney a few years ago? The Lebanese, Human Rights Lawyer, who lives in England with her Hollywood actor husband, has given a speech to the UN.

In the dream Amal was surrounded by what looked like popcorn that was going off around her like fireworks. Everything was popping around her. It looks like the female Druze has made the heads of the UN go pop. When I was sent to Israel, I was divinely instructed to meet with the Druze, they were really lovely, and gave us a lovely welcome.

Happy Purim, the LORD has a soft heart for Lebanon and the Druze. The Druze embrace reincarnation, and I think the dream of my son with the tobacco is also giving a message of reincarnation too. Its interesting how many times tobacco was brought into my life, I can see it was to remind me of my Jewish roots and to seek them out. The last time I was given a tobacco product divinely was while I was in mystical Safed, in Israel, and I was given a vision of a Marlboro packet. 

It was then that I was told that I would be going on a mission to America next, and the mission to America is mentioned in Micah 4. That happened the year after the second mission to Israel.

In dream interpretation to be given tobacco means that you are being given prosperity, so it's interesting that smoking is mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 

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