
Monday 13 March 2017


I had a dream and in the dream a man was standing behind me and he had a moustache like someone that I knew, like Michael. He was holding me, he said that he couldn't telephone due to the high cost of phoning. He said he was on the telephone for such a long time, that the last time he telephoned it cost £156.00. In real life, Michael only telephoned once from America, and his services kept on being cut off. He passed over in 2010.

156 is an interesting numeric as it is the English gematria for these words; Eli, God, Dog, Heal.

Eli is also the short form for ELIJAH.

In Hebrew gematria, it can be "Wonder" or "Miracle" and Isaiah foretold that wonders would never cease.

In dream interpretation to dream of using a telephone is associated with "rivalry where you least expect it."

Although the amount, the numeric of 156 was important, as it was the exact amount given in the dream. The high cost of telecommunications reduces the ability of people being able to communicate with each other, and that is what the man was explaining in the dream.


Interesting that in the dream we didn't have to use the telephone because the man was able to be with me, and communicate what he wished to communicate directly, and that is a wonder in itself.

Now there was a man that held me like the man in the dream and he was Greek, at the time, he was trying to help my back. Now the Greek man, and Michael are both mentioned in the book of Daniel.

As far as I am aware, the Greek man is still on the planet and when he lifted me up in real life, I said, "it hurts". At the time he was looking for a new job and career, and he was incredibly fit and healthy for his age. So I helped him all that I could, gave him some contact information, sent out his CV, and also gave him some ideas about what his potential was to inspire him, that he can have a new career.

I also put him in touch with friends that have property in Greece to help when required. A spiritual woman that trained with yours truly.

Before he left, he thanked yours truly, and he said that the LORD had spoken through me to him. He understood what the LORD was sharing to help him. For what you give comes back to you 30, 60, 100 fold. It is the spiritual law of giving.

As it is written in Isaiah 44, "I WILL RESTORE THEM" and who is it that does the restoring?

The NT tells you that is ELIJAH that is the restorer.

I think the Greek man was restored and was inspired to move forward to be what he was born to be, and live what he came to live, with a greater comprehension than he had before we met.


In 2012, my telephone was also cut off and after that I had a new telephone number and very few people have that number. It looks like my telephone number will change again, as our telephone company is changing its service, and they plan on stopping the email service at the end of May.

They've provided that service since I signed up with them. So yes, it looks like costs are increasing, although I will shop around for the best price on-line. I do have an emergency email address for travelling purposes, although I will be getting a new email address for day-to-day activity.

The 13th March, is an interesting day to receive this experience, as it is the "Day of Prediction". 

"who carries out the words of his servants, and fulfils the predictions of his messengers?" Isaiah 44:26. 

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