
Thursday 2 March 2017


Donna Page shares with us that this March the 2nd, 2017, has the Pisces Sabian Symbol degree of 13, and a SWORD in a MUSEUM. Pisces 13, an ancient sword used in many battles is displayed in a museum. Donna wrote that its keynote is "Through the effectual use of his will a consecrated man can become a symbol of courage for all those who follow in his footsteps".

I can really take the sword in the museum, as it relates to Clifford's Tower, in Yorkshire in my life.

That was such an amazing journey shared with others that were with yours truly on that journey. Prior to us going to York, I had received a divine message to give to Peter, and when I asked the importance of the message, I was told, 'The tomahawk will be as important to Peter as the sword was to Arthur".

Then after I saw the sword, a replica of Excalibur at Clifford's Tower, I was given a Tomahawk to give to Peter. That was so incredible, especially the whole story of how the man that gave it to me, came by it, as it had been given to him by a Native American he said.

I will always remember it as it had a heart cut out of the blade and when the man gave it to me, he said, "Give this to Peter Clifford", my eyes nearly popped out of my head. That's when I asked him, how he came by it and he then shared the story of it.

Such amazing things in my life, a couple of decades ago, I did begin to write a book about the story of the "Tomahawk", what I wrote is still in a box somewhere. Such incredible synchronicity, and divine intervention it was. Truly awesome, so much proof of the divine, I was totally convinced.

Especially, when one of the people from our spiritual community turned up with a book afterwards, with some really old pictures of Native Americans, and in one of the pictures, a native American was holding the same tomahawk design, with the heart shape cut into it.

I took a photocopy of that to keep for reference and proof, that they really did exist in America, this was for real.

The 2nd of March, is the "Day of Undying Loyalty".

Do you remember when I saw those visions a few years ago of the four directions, and how there was a parachute on my right side? I've just noticed, the PARACHUTE again. It's the name of a music label.

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