
Sunday 5 March 2017


In 2017, the Purim celebration holiday is held on the Hebrew calendar date of Adar 14. In 2017, March 9 -12.

This is a beautiful representation of the corridor of light, the woman that laid down her own life for her people.

The days this year, the 9th of March is the "Day of the Voyager", the next day is the "Day of Soul Searcher", after that is the "Day of Intuition", and the 12th is the "Day of Vision". 

Interesting that my new healing room is white, and Hebrew symbols appeared before me on the walls, that room was blessed.

When I was first seen on the galilee of the gentiles in the UK, in the 90's, I was wearing white while working on the circuit. Then over a decade later, when I was sent to Israel, and we blessed the sea of galilee together with the Israeli's, I was also compelled to wear white that day. 

As I sat upon the edge of the galilee saying the words that had been given to say. When the request for Israel had been completed, and the water had been blessed, the birds flew closely to drink from the water, and to say thank you. 

The evening that I met Michael in Florida, he is mentioned in the book of Daniel, chapter 10, I was wearing white. I also wore the gold outfit that had been gifted prior to going to Israel on the second mission.

Melchizedek had instructed that I must wear gold and so I did, I wore a white dress underneath the gold coat dress. After I had received the divine instructions, I was gifted with the outfit that had been chosen, that too is a biblical prophecy fulfilled.

When I saw him for the first time while teaching in England, he was also wearing white and gold, and he was sitting on a throne, with many light beings behind him. Huge, giant pillars of light, inter-galactic beings. 

I think the lights are wonderful in that corridor of light, really lovely.

In the UK, today, the 5th of March in Cornwall, is St Pirans Day. Interesting nearness of the word Purim and Piran.

The legend of Saint Piran.

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