
Tuesday 28 March 2017


What is going on in Europe, in Poland 98% of the population are Christians, and they have risen up against Islam and its ideology.

The Polish have enthroned Jesus as their King, and have told the Muslims to leave. The Polish once again defending Europe. Jesus is King, now get out is the message from the Polish. A clear message to the EU and Angela Merkel too.

The MSM don't show the Europeans or Americans this march for freedom do they? 

Why do you think that the Liberals and Lefty media would ignore an uprising like this for Jesus and how the Polish are standing up in defence of their culture, hearts, souls and conscience? 

As you can see there are plenty of young Polish individuals on this march, bless them all for their courage and confidence to stand up and speak the truth. Another report on it.

Why would a person even watch a television unless it shared the truth about what is going on in Europe, how many national newspapers in Europe or America had this critical mass on their front pages? Why read a newspaper unless it shares the truth of what is really happening in Europe against the Islamic invasion? So let us say, Amen to Poland, and glory to Zion.

The 28th of March is the "Day of Steadfastness" 
and it reminds me of a family wedding anniversary.
A great day to get married on and it is blue skies in my location,
and brilliant sunshine.

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