
Friday 3 March 2017


I was looking for a new oven and while doing so, I was given MILO's name. So I went to see what Milo has been up to. First I went to his youtube channel, then FB, on FB, I found that he had made a post about Obama. Clearly, Milo is more important than trying to find a new oven.

The article posted on the 3rd March, 2017, headline:


That then reminds yours truly of when the LORD spoke of Obama being a "Double Agent", that blog post is posted on a different blog, in the archives. It was also shared with Americans at the time of receipt, by email, and at that time we were sharing the divine messages from the LORD on Skype too. At that time, I was receiving so many messages for America, and it was coming in so fast, it was practically non-stop. My mission to America is mentioned in Micah 4.

It's no coincidence that Russia and other countries have banned the organisations funded by George Soros, and some are demanding his arrest.

We also know that Obama got heavily involved in the elections in Kenya, and we shared information on that when it happened.

Obama is on camera (and some of his operatives too) saying that Donald John Trump would never be the President. Some of the Liberal Democrats are still standing against the elected President of America. So much for the peaceful transition from one President to the next.

For all the latest news on what the Liberal Democrats have been doing to bring down the new President, see BREITBART news website.

Interesting that Nostradamus gave a severe warning about a "tall thin black man" and the biblical prophecies mentioned the panther (that is often translated as Leopard) in the scriptures. It can be found in Rev 13 and the book of Daniel.


In Syracuse a new-come potter's son
Who shall be more inhuman and more cruel
In French or Latin named than anyone,
Black and ferocious, thinner than thin gruel.

Wisdom was indeed called to do the count on that man, even I know how to put numbers together to do the soferim.

Have you seen this?

The Democrats are mentioned in that bible code, with Obama and Hilary, it looks like Obama will be the last democrat president. Hawaii and Kenya is also mentioned. The donkey is mentioned, and that is the symbol of the democrats. In biblical prophecy, the donkey is the "beast of burden".

Then there is the mention of Isis, and Nostradamus knew all about the Arab Isis conspiracy and I made a couple of videos about that a few years ago. Nostradamus wrote about how some Arabs had given him the information about what other Arabs were planning with the whole Isis ideology.

It was over two decades ago when I began to speak to spiritual people about Isis, and how Isis was not divine mother of Egypt.

After the new millennium began, I went on a second trip to Egypt, to celebrate a friends 50th birthday, it was her dream to go to Egypt, so I accompanied her on a cruise down the nile, so that she could lean on me, as I was physically stronger that she was at that time. Remember the prophecy, the LORD will save the lame.

While on the cruise, an Egyptian Egyptologist, confirmed what I already knew to be true about divine mother of Egypt in history. He confirmed that Queen Mut was divine mother of Egypt, not Isis. At the front entrance of the Karnac Temple in Egypt, there is also a giant statue of Queen Mut and to the Egyptians she is considered to be the equivalent to the holy Mother Mary.

Remember it is about asking the right questions in spiritual matters.

A lot of what Nostradamus wrote about it, had not been fully translated into English when I came across the writings of that mystic on-line. In the style of Nostradamus there was also a lot of spiritual symbology involved in it, as he knew that other mystics would comprehend his meaning.

No surprise then that ELIJAH is also mentioned in that bible code in that video above, its about the timeline, of when ELIJAH is on the planet at the same time as Obama and Hilary. It's not a coincidence then that the LORD sent me to forewarn Americans about Obama in 2008, and my mission to America is written in biblical prophecies.

We also discovered that on Arab media in 2007, that Muslims were saying that a Muslim president would be in the White House next, e.g. Obama. It was all pre-planned in advance. We also know that Muslims helped finance Obama during his life, and his election campaign, so one could view it that Obama is a "Double Agent", in more ways than one.

It has also come to light that Obama's administration have carried out surveillance of the Trump transition. So much for a peaceful transition and the handover of power, hey? Seriously, do the democrats have any integrity at all?

So who promoted Isis to Americans? Those involved in Theosophy, and those that came out of it. One of those people was Elizabeth Claire Prophet, that is also mentioned in the book of Revelations. She is the woman that refused to remain a widow and married many times, she also told people to buy guns and build bunkers because the Russians were coming.

When I went to Florida, I met up with two spiritual leaders, they had been involved in Theosophy during their lives, and were totally into Isis. That spiritual leader refused to listen to what I had gone to America to share because he was an Isis worshipper, and the light of love certainly triggered him.

He had to leave that location in Florida after my visit to America, Michael who came to visit yours truly, outed him. The light triggers the darkness, and the darkness triggers the light, until there is no more darkness left. While I was in Florida, I woke up screaming, after seeing a fire, I was shouting, "they're not listening, they're not listening".

Would Jesus tell you to buy guns? Of course not, he told people to go to the mountains, Jesus the pacifist, where the power of love overcomes and prevails always. Interesting then that in a recent dream I was on top of a mountain with a mayan shaped pyramid hidden in the overgrowth, and it was being uncovered after it had been discovered.

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