
Tuesday 28 March 2017

Mercury Trine Saturn - 29th March, 2017

So what are the planets up to? This is Athen Chimenti, and he reminds me of the man that I saw in a recent dream, although in the dream, the man's hair was chin length.

In the dream, the man with the moustache was standing behind me, holding my arms out to the sides and in so doing, stretching my back. Are you watching the signs of the heavens?

The planetary configuration calling forth more practicality, and being grounded with what you are involved in. More discipline will be seen now, and that is sure to impact upon communications with Mercury trine Saturn and Saturn is symbolic of the teacher. Communications in education, and truly the work of Professor Jordan Peterson is in the forefront at this time.

I watched a video of his a couple of days ago, whereby he had been invited to speak at a Canadian university, and after he had received his invitation, and given his presentation in support of freedom of speech, the clinical psychologist that had invited him, then became involved in a situation whereby, other people at the university were closing down communications. Why? Because the clinical psychologist was defending Professor Jordan Peterson in Canada.

What happened next? The liberals called an emergency meeting, and the clinical psychologist's job could be on the line, because of his defence of Professor Jordan Peterson, and freedom of speech.

In Canada now, they're closing down so much, so how can there be any true debate and discussion in those Canadian universities, if Canadians allow such things to happen?

Seriously, it reminds me of the story of Plato and Socrates, how can there be socratic enquiry, if there is no freedom of speech? How can people thrash and thresh out their ideas, and realisations, if they're not able to even mention it? Isn't that what the Greek philosophers, Plato and Socrates was doing, encouraging people to think beyond where they were in their reality, and to thrash out their ideas?

Isn't that all part of the creative process? In the creative industry it is often the case that the creatives thrash out their concepts, prior to developing them, hasn't that been the same in Science?

What about Freud and Jung, they thrashed ideas out together (some might call it brainstorming) in exchanging and sharing their experiences with patients. Until it got to the point where they could not agree, so they went their separate ways.

We know for a fact that Jung was far more spiritual in his views, than Freud, and I think in some ways, he was ahead of his time.

I remember a patent officer, a moderator of a health forum, from many years ago, a man wrote to yours truly, and he wrote, "You made me laugh, and you made me cry, but most of all you made me think". 

So are people thinking when they choose to close down freedom of speech? I don't think those academics that are standing against the defenders have really thought it all through. For freedom of speech is a universal human right, as is the human right to privacy, food and housing.

What is going on in Canada, is really calling for balance, more discipline and a lot more openness from the academics. I think Professor Peterson is accurate when he says that these situations in academia must be shared, the general public must be made aware of what is going on in academia and how some academics are trying to close other professionals down.

Seriously, would anyone wish to go to a university where their new ideas could not be expressed? Could you even consider being in a relationship like that?

Why go to university, if you are not allowed to be inventive, creative, and adventurous in your views and able to discuss them?

Did you know that this video has been banned in 18 countries?

"We Are Against European Replacement" 

29 is the numeric of "grace under pressure", and certainly academics are under pressure now in the circumstances that they find themselves in. However, it is often the case that some people provide their best work in those circumstances, some people thrive on pressure and it squeezes the best out them. A tribute to Christopher Hitchens, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro for expressing their truth.

I may not agree with everything that they've said, although I will defend their right to speak what is in their hearts. Ben Shapiro is certainly one of the bright young American lights that has spoken on the American campuses and he is encouraging students to become the best that they can be. Just do your best.


Then there are others that don't thrive on pressure at all, people are individuals, unique, people are not all made the same. People have different traits and different life journeys, depending on when and where they were born. People have different natural talents, that can be developed, nurtured, and explored.

How can you develop unless you explore each others hearts? Isn't that what happens in relationships, and friendships, the exploration of getting to know each other?

I really like the quote, "A happy heart enhances one's brilliance" Proverbs 17:22, a great quote for 2017. So whatever you launch this year, make sure it is coming from the heart, and that your heart is happy with it, because Jesus taught his followers that what you say, comes from your heart.

Interesting then that science as done so much research on the science of the intelligence of the heart.

Be steadfast in this timeline, and be true to your hearts. UKIP in the UK, are being steadfast, the guard dogs for BREXIT. The dogs have certainly arrived, and Nostradamus foretold that they would come in this timeline. No surprise then that Donald John Trump was born in the year of the dog and he does like Nigel Farage that always stands up to defend him. Nigel Farage as been so steadfast in defence of our country, his courage and tenacity is admirable. His confidence in our people to make the right choice, he was correct, we did it, BREXIT.

Also good news from Eastern Europe, the V4 countries have rejected the immigration plan for the economic migrants that includes refugees. That's fingers of pressure upon Angela Merkel and her EU partners. This video filmed in Warsaw confirms it, although there are no sub-titles on the video.

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