
Monday 6 March 2017


Proverbs 17 was highlighted for 2017 and it mentions a "Prudent Servant", and "Eloquent Lips", in some translations. If you then look at the origins of it in Greek, we find LO/GIA and it means "Skilled in Speech". Strongs 3052, and the root of that word is lo/gov, Strongs 3056.

We know that speech impacts upon the heart, and there is a great quote from Proverbs 17, for this year. "A happy heart enhances one's brilliance". Proverbs 17:22.

We know that Jesus was and is "skilled in speech", and I received a lovely message this morning, on waking up, a directional message on the choice that he would like yours truly to make, as he knows I have to make a decision at this point in time.

The Son of Joseph was also "skilled in speech", and when I was young, he taught his daughter how to debate for a school debate. His experience as a negotiator enabled him to negotiate with many people, including his own family when and if there were difficulties. As his aim was resolution for all concerned, so that agreements could be made and people could move forwards. His peaceful and loving ways, were respected by all that truly knew him.

That then can remind us of the new President, he too has had to negotiate with people in many different realities. Prior to bringing it to his leadership of America. He was also born in the sign of the communicator, so communications will certainly be a powerful aspect of his presidency, and I am not surprised that media is an important aspect of it.

Speech can have such a powerful impact upon people, as we have seen so many people trigger in response to his words. It is often the case, that it is not what you say, but how you say it, that can leave a lasting impact.

The prophecies also spoke of the meditation of my heart, and that was such a lovely era of my life, giving meditations to people that had been divinely given. We know scientifically, the power of sound, the power of music, and the power of the voice.

It is one thing to deliver words that can restored people with the sheer power of love. However, it is the voice that delivers those words that are crucially important. So for instance, there are some voices that I just cannot bear to listen too, and there are some voices that sound like music. Do you have sensitive ears?

That is what really makes the difference, when a person is skilled in speech, and what is known as "non-violent communication".

Remember this 'IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD', and the word became flesh.

March 6 is the 'Day of Beauty', so what beautiful words can you say today? Can you really mean what you say, is it truly coming from your heart in pure intention?

Will you leave an impression of beauty on people's hearts? Will that be your legacy to your friends, and families? Will you be skilled in your speech, will you negotiate your way through life and its circumstances in a beautiful way? Will you raise people up with your words, or will you do the opposite? Who will you embrace? Only those that supported you, or will you help the person that lives next door to you?

If a person asked you for your guitar, would you give it to him, as I did? What would you be willing to give, to help a person to live in the peacefulness of music? Can you hear the beauty in that, wouldn't that giving always remain impressed upon his heart, the person that truly gave to him?

Didn't Jesus go to the pubs, didn't he go where the people were; to reach out to people that were looking for love? Did they find the love in his words, did they find the skill that he was sharing, or were they just looking at his appearance, and how he looked? Were they listening to his heart, were they listening to mine, were they listening to yours? What I discovered in life, is that it was the people that were looking for love, that were most open to listening to the love, including my love.

Of course some people are still to experience the power of love, truly, real love. For some have not been so blessed to enjoy the sheer depth of it; in their own hearts through the choices that they made in life. How then can we negotiate with orthodox Christians to accept the power of love from his healers and the power to heal? When will they return to his true teachings and how the power of love can heal? It also ensures that people walk in the truth, on the pathway of enlightenment.

For what greater healers are there, than those that work with him in doing God's great work of healing the nations? It was written that we would come with signs and symbols, and it would be a great sign for Israel.

When I went to Israel for the first time, it was fantastic to meet Israeli healers, Reiki certainly arrived in Israel during the late 80's, and it has spread like wild fire. My view is that it has helped Israeli's to reconnect with their ancient healing roots and it has certainly assisted the restoration of their people.

For as it is written, Elijah restores all things, and Reiki is certainly a beautiful healing discipline.

How wonderful it's founder could see the keys in the alchemic biblical text. He found the right words and he clearly utilised them to help his people with his wonderful skills, surely a miracle worker. Dr Usui knew the power of responsibility too, and how imperative it was that people were trained, and given the best opportunity to become healers themselves.

In pure intention of integrity, do your utmost to help others that are willing to accept the power of its love. For I have witnessed miracles, and people's lives being completely turned around due to the power of healing. Longevity of life is in your hands to choose to accept, the great love that is bestowed upon humanity in this timeline.

So be skilled in your speech, when you share the truth of it, for the LORD and his Son is with us.

Have the happiness and pure joy of it in your heart, and allow it to enhance your brilliance, for when there is happiness in your heart and the memories of great love, it pours out of you and your lips.


January, 2017 

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