
Sunday 26 March 2017


Great song for Mother's Day in the UK on this 26th March, 2017.  The numeric of 26 being the gematria of the name of God. 26th March is also the "Day of Integrity". 

I received some daffodils yesterday from a mum, that is enjoying her day with her children. Daffodils always carry a message, my dad knew I would relate it to the message of the poet.

Thank you to all mums and all of the givers, Mother's Day reminds yours truly of Psalm 68 that is about defending mothers and their children. Not surprising then that Putin has come out against the Europeans at this time due to their actions in supporting immigrants that have harmed our people. 

The givers have "Philotimo", and as the LORD said, "RUACH", giving with our breath and giving the breath of life. For mums everywhere, have a lovely day today, it's blue skies and brilliant sunshine in my location today, really beautiful. I wish all a very happy day in whatever you decide to do, as a happy heart enhances one's brilliance. Proverbs 17:22

Remember in the UK, the clocks have gone forward an hour today. 

In my life, I am concentrating on the restoration of different aspects of my life, including how to change my home, including the colours of it. Colours that are soothing and uplifting, it's amazing how you can feel, when you change a room, and your surroundings. Freshening up a room, and your environment, bringing in the new energies, and embracing the energies, that embrace you lovingly.

Elijah healing and restoring, remembering the healing of the child that was breathless, the child that was saved, the widow's son. Remembering all the blessed children that I held in my arms during my life, every mum and child that was hugged and cuddled. Every person that received healing in the power of love beyond measure. Even those young people that had cut themselves were shown the mother's nurturing kindness, and magnanimous love. Divine love in manifestation.

The great power of the mother to elevate, those that required to be elevated beyond where they found themselves to be. The great protector, and healer that provided a restored home for those that required it, and the right food to engage those young people to eat properly, and in a healthy way.

Young people were brought to my sanctuary of peace, mums too, they spoke of how they felt so much better afterwards, renewed, and refreshed after we had spent some time together. They experienced the "Philotimo".

Sharing everything that I had to share, food, and drink, there was always quality, home made food put on the table, and an offer of a drink. The maternal mother, giving that which sustains, and that which restores the being when people required it. The discussions that we had in the kitchen about their lives, and how they could improve their life circumstances, sharing life experience and the wisdom gained from it, whether they were male or female, enabling their move forwards positively with their choices in life known. Sometimes those people just required support, someone to listen, someone to love, someone to understand where they were coming from.

If you are a sociable person, then it is great to share your life with other people, its also great to have time to yourself, especially after you have carried their burdens to transform them too. Just like the mother that carries her child in the womb. I did notice that women that had not carried a child in their womb were different to those that had. The selflessness of the mother that gives her body to bring a new life into the world, the selflessness of the mother that endures incredible pain, for the creation and continuation of life.

How can a man ever truly comprehend that amount of giving, and how a woman changes after she has carried a child in her womb. Her priorities change, due to her having the responsibility to feed a child that is totally reliant on her to provide the nutrients that the child requires. What a miracle in life, breast feeding is.

It truly is miraculous how a child also has a job to do as soon as it is born. Breastfeeding is not only healthy for the child, it is also healthy for the mother, as it helps her body to be restored to its original weight. Of course, you have to eat in a healthy way too and make sure that you have plenty of healthy nutrients.

When I was in the maternity ward, in 1983, the midwives, and nurses made such a fuss of this mother, I asked them why? They shared that I was one of only five mothers that was breastfeeding in a large ward of mothers. How few of us there were at that time, that were making sure our babies were getting the appropriate nutrients, exactly as God intended.


The Mother's Day smoothie for this weekend has been banana's, with red grapes, yogurt, with a kiwi, and some golden berries. 

My soup has been a delicious leek and potato soup, with some celery, dill, coriander, garlic and vermicelli, absolutely delicious. The other soup this weekend is a cream mushroom soup, with goats milk, and desiccated coconut, goat's milk is good for the strength of my back.

The rest of my food is uncooked this weekend, cream cheese sandwiches with mango pickle to increase my calcium.

My herbs are dill for increasing appetite, and coriander. Eating as much fresh salad as possible, high energy. I will also have some fish today, some smoked mackerel with horseradish, and some smoked salmon pieces, maybe with some scrambled eggs, that was the favourite breakfast of our Queen of Hearts, Princess Diana. When I eat it, I always give a thought to the compassionate and merciful Diana that touched everyone's hearts. We travelled together after her passing for a little while, she loved Australia and being able to speak to yours truly. I did what she asked and wrote to Prince Charles on her behalf. 

Whatever you have to eat today, eat healthy, eat fresh, eat high energy, and try to soak up some fresh air and sunshine too. 

As Jesus, the Son of God, said to yours truly while I was posting on a health and healing forum after the new millennium began.  "Let them drink from the bosom of your wisdom". That feels like a lifetime ago, when I collected his words and shared what he had to say, in an environment were people were willing to listen and embrace the profoundness of what he was sharing with us all.

His work with yours truly, and his mother, was so intimate, so all encompassing, and miracles abounded everywhere that I looked or was sent.

It has been such a glorious spiritual journey, that I can only show my gratitude by sharing the power of it's love, on and on, wherever I find the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the hearts that can understand. Such immensity, such incredible proof of spiritual existence, such healing powers, with yours truly, every step of the way.

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. For what greater love is there than the power of love that raises you up spiritually? That was the choice that my mum made, when she introduced her daughter to spiritual people when I was young, and I did the same with my son.

I introduced my son to some truly amazing healers when he was young, I hope that he always keeps it in his heart. I also took him to the healing exhibitions on the circuit, the galilee of the gentiles, and my mum liked to visit those health exhibitions where her daughter was working helping the souls that were brought for guidance with their journey.

When the children came to where I was sitting, I would ask the children what they would like, and then gave them what they chose freely. Then when their mums came to collect their children, they would share with their mums, what this mum had gifted the children with. It's lovely when you have such lovely memories of giving and sharing with our spiritual community in the UK.

I have plenty of healing balm for those that wish to choose it, I have plenty of essences, oil and flour and healing foods for those that wish to learn about it. The spiritual were all prepared for our journey together to help humanity in the best way that we can, it truly has been divine intervention.

However, people have to choose it, and align with the power of its love beyond measure and its ability to transform your life for the better. People have to come willingly, the Spirit says Come, you are always welcome to come if and when you are willing to listen and to heal. For that is why we came, to enhance, restore and give the power of healing to those that wish to receive it.

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