
Wednesday 29 March 2017


A day to celebrate UK, at last, it begins. Article 50 triggered.

UKIP celebrate that all of the campaigning has got us this far. The new leader of UKIP gives his feedback on the end of the marriage with the EU.

Of course, our courageous and tenacious Nigel Farage is celebrating. achieving what some said was impossible, the impossible was made possible. Farage had fantastic support in the UK, and that showed in the voting in the referendum.

Healing and restoration arrived in the timeline of Elijah, God's will indeed for the glory of Zion and a special thanks to all our friends and families that have passed over, especially those that campaigned with us for years. You are not forgotten, and I am sure that you are all celebrating this day.

The "Day of Observation", reminds me of the teachings delivered via Archangel Michael, what a wonderful time we had during the Rev 12 timeline. All the lovely memories that we hold, all the wonderful times that we shared.


Now we can have a new beginning in the UK, a fresh start, as we move forward across a new horizon with the sunshine upon it.

What an historic day, Britannia. 

Remember the Proverb UK,

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance". 

And Isaiah 54 reminds you that the woman mentioned in the prophecy was vindicated and the prophecy shares with you that it was for the glory of Zion's future. Some might ask when did that vindication happen?

It happened after the recession began, and my financial situation was restored, while I was working on the circuit helping those people that were brought to yours truly for help. That's when the blue carpet was laid in my home, the lazuli carpet, in every hallway, and stairway. 

That was prior to this new millennium beginning, when the work carried on. I did not stop supporting freedom of speech, nor did I stop standing against political correctness and those that were trying to close down freedom of speech. It didn't matter how much we suffered, we kept on going straight ahead. We couldn't be stopped, we had to continue to reclaim our country and it's democracy, truly it has been the will of God, and divine intervention.

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