
Tuesday 7 February 2017


I had another dream and in the dream I was in bed and a woman was calling me from the bathroom asking about the towels. There were a pile of clean towels in the bathroom and they were all the same colour a deep turquoise green/blue. I replied that she could use any of the clean towels.

That particular colour and any shade of turquoise is for transformation, and it resonates with the thymus. I wore all shades of turquoise in the 90's, while I was going through a huge spiritual transformation. The corporate identity for one of my companies was also designed in that colour scheme, a company that promoted spiritual people, their products and services. Wisdom more precious than rubies.

Colour healing is also important, and in Persia, they used to call their dye houses, the "House of Christ". 

I also had a pair of shoes dyed this colour in the 90's, I had those shoes dyed at Clarks to match two outfits the same colour. It was certainly a transformation time stepping out wearing that colour suit.

Interesting that the founder of Clarks (in the UK) first name was Cyrus and Cyrus began his business by selling sheepskins, and there were sheepskins in a recent property dream with the hairdressers.

When his brother joined the business in Somerset, Cyrus then began to sell slippers and shoes, so it does have a connection with historical situations.

Then after I woke up, I saw Trumps face again.

In dream interpretation to dream of towels; its message depends upon the condition of the towels, if they were clean it promises good health and material comfort. I thought this was cute, making elephants out of towels.

In the book of John it mentions the towel. "Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that he poured water into a basin, and began to wash his disciples feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him". John 13:3-5

It wasn't just a sign of his humility and love beyond measure, he was giving a very powerful message about the importance of the feet to the health of a person. We also know that Mary Magdalene was a reflexologist, aromatherapist healer and she worked with the oils. I too washed the feet of some of my students when the opportunity was given. It was a beautiful experience shared with people working in two's. Two together washing each other's feet, where two healers gather in my name, there I shall be.

"You call me Teacher and Lord, for that is what I am. and rightly so, now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you should also wash each other's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you". John 13:13-15

It was on an ascension workshop, and it was after that I was moved on to the next phase of the divine plan. It was after that their teacher was sent to Israel in 2006, and after that Jesus called me Lotus Feet. 

I will be having some reflexology in February, and also an MRI scan.

From both the scripture and dream interpretation we know that the towels are to do with the health of the person, so it is good to cross-reference your dreams with the scriptures to help you to comprehend them. For Jesus the healer, the miracle worker, imparts so much to his healers that have walked in his name.

For what greater gift is there than the gift of healing yourselves and others, what greater love is there than his when he is with you, it is hot.  The power of love beyond measure, what greater blessing is there, than that which gives life and renews it and refreshes it?

What greater love is there than the power of and spiritual law of giving? For what you have given in life, comes back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold, for that is the spiritual law that he supported and shared.


Painting completed on the 19th of January, 2017. 

Last week on the bus I met some young girls and one of the teenagers said, 'You should be our teacher, you should teach us Citzenship". Bless the children wherever they may found, they shared that they really liked Donald John Trump, and that he should definitely build that wall. 

They didn't like Theresa May though, they did make me smile, to see young girls so assertive in their support for Trump. I asked the children how they knew about him, and they replied, that he had been discussed in their citizen classes. They also shared that he had done more in a week than Theresa May has done her whole time in office. 

I hope that Trump knows that assertive children in England like him, and I am sure that the children will give him a lovely welcome when he comes to the UK with his beautiful wife. Trump has been a great giver during his lifetime, so of course support is his, from the people that truly comprehend the immigration issues.

Did you know that there is such a thing as TOWEL DAY? It is held on the 25th of May each year and people carry towels throughout the day. We certainly had plenty of towels at the healing exhibitions and in our healing rooms. 

May 25th is also the "Day of Boldness", and Trump is certainly bold. 


MAY 25th

MAGAVOT in Israel they gave away towels for the event. In the Netherlands, a free drink to anyone that walks in with a towel. The message of towel day is "Don't Panic". Big smiles.

1 comment:

  1. And in Florida they have a radio-active sinkhole. Huge sinkhole swallows radioactive water in Florida. A sinkhole in Florida swallows 215 million gallons of radioactive water, leaving residents fearing to shower.
