
Friday 17 February 2017


I had a lovely day, how about you? 

My day began with receiving a dream of business people. 

After that a bath that gave some blessed visions. 

After that my day, included meeting up with a lovely Christian healer, it was so lovely to share together. We gifted each other with our love in different ways. It was heart felt, really felt in the heart. 

On the way home I picked up some food that is required to make the Valentines caramels, some cashews and walnuts. 

Also more cream cheese and goats cheese. Blueberries, lemons and limes were on special offer. Some olives for the collagen for my skin and its healing. Salmon, and some smoked mackerel. 

Today, was a beautiful day in the love beyond measure. 

Happy shabbat, this is the month that Jewish people were able to return to England. 

What else, my love to you all, be the teachers that you were born to be, share your hearts, and become all that you were born to be, in my heart you shall always be.

After I came home, Donald John Trump had given a weekly address to his nation, and that linked totally with the visions that I had received as posted on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Another report from Italy today, about the economic migrants.
