
Saturday 18 February 2017


During a healing session yesterday, a Christian healer felt intuitively to work on my bone joints, towards the end of the session I saw the hands of a man standing on my right.

He was holding a wooden tray with compartments in the tray, and there were white things in the compartments. At first the tray made me think of the olden days in the media, when type was in different compartments. Type for typefaces.

However, these pieces were as white as blocks of mint, white tablets of stone or bone, although I knew that they weren't sweets. I wondered if they were bones.

Interesting that Rebecca Ferguson has brought out a song called, 'BONES'.

There are 22 Hebrew letters and 22 cranial bones that make up the skull.

33 Spinal bones.

As Jesus said, where two gather in my name, there I shall be. My bones are fine, they've been checked, they are strong, never had a broken bone in my body, it is that which supports the structure that I am working on.


Although being given that healing tray was interesting due to its components. Did Jesus collect the scattered bones of my opponents as it mentions in the prophecies and present them to yours truly?

God scattered the bones of those that attacked you, you put them to shame, for God despised them. Oh that salvation for Israel, would come out of Zion. When God restores his people, let Jacob rejoice, and Israel be glad".  Psalm 53:5-6 NIV

'Light in the messengers eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news brings health to the bones'. Proverbs 15:30, I was fortunate to be able to share some good news with the healer, and she was very pleased to receive the news. 

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance" Proverbs 17:22 So I phoned a spiritual sister today, I felt compelled to call her, and give her the good news too, she was happy to receive the good news that was delivered to her, may it enhance her health and healing, to know that I am still thinking of her.

May her heart be enriched with the memory of miracles that we shared. May the real love be her most powerful ally in her recovery. As before, it can be again, when people embrace the truth of what we have shared during our lives. For it is empowering, heartening, and life extending in longevity. I asked her to eat watercress for oxygen, olives for her collagen, and more yogurt.

Love is always standing by. Would you defend the Jewish love that has defended you against every possible opponent during your life? How could you live with yourself, if you did not defend that love? I have to defend it,  I have no choice in the matter. For what would I be if I did not stand with the love beyond measure that I was gifted with?

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