
Thursday 16 February 2017


In May 2014, I wrote a poem, and it was called, 'UNDERSTANDING HEART", to go with a painting of the heart, while writing the poem, the LORD spoke the name of Meryl Streep, why Meryl Streep why?

The poem mentions rose petals, and in 2015, I bought rose water for the first time, its lovely on the face and you can also cook with it. Although in a year, it doubled in price.

The poem mentions silence, the gems and the perfect pair with everything being fair. In hindsight, it reminds me of Melania and her husband, and Donald keeps on talking about fairness.

Then this year I had a dream that included an English woman that I knew, and she was dressed up as Meryl Streep, in the dream she was with another woman who was also tall.

Since I've had that dream, Streep has given another speech against the President. Is Meryl Streep from the tribe of Dan? It figures if you read about her.

If you listened to the first speech that Streep gave it reminds us Europeans of the American movies that include "violence" of some kind, including films that Streep made and that she was happy to support.

It includes the film, "Death Becomes Her" ever watched it, and what it incited against men and women? That film came out in 1992.

How about the "violence" involved in it and how Meryl engaged with it? Oh the standards of the film industry and those that partake in it, can you raise your standard, Meryl Streep, take your "broken heart" to that and why you made such films. The film industry have a lot to answer for.


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