
Sunday 19 February 2017


I spread the paint for this forthcoming solar eclipse prior to receiving the February visions. After the painting was uploaded I could see a woman in the blue, with her hair on top of her head.

The compassionate and merciful hearing the sounds of the world. Spirit, intuitive, sensitive. compassionate, and merciful. Heavenly and divine.


The solar eclipse is in Pisces, and apparently it is at 8 degrees, 8 being the numeric of spiritual transformation. The solar eclipse is also on the 26th of February, and 26 is the Hebrew gematria of the name of God.

Pisces with the two fishes swimming in harmony, they found an ancient mosaic of that in Israel, so it is bound to be a powerful solar eclipse for the Christians.

The 26th of February, is also the "Day of Arousal", and it's in the planetary week of SPIRIT.

It will impact upon those that are seeking the meaning of life, for the meaning of life, is to find out the meaning of your life and path. The week of higher causes, reincarnation, and the afterlife. It is about improving the standards of one's life to make it easier for you, so not surprising that DJT is still calling out the media, to improve their standards and that which they do and write.

A higher calling for Christians everywhere in the world with their Spirits being aroused.

In the past Christians, especially American Christians have spoken of being one body, is that truth?

Do they sound like they are one body with their new president?

The bible tells you that there is "NO BROKEN BONES IN HIM", so if you have had any broken bones in your body, how can you be of the same body? Ponder upon it. Jesus was a miracle worker, are you a miracle worker too? Is it time for you to have a spiritual transformation in your life, and how would you choose that to be? It is true that Spirit can help you to transform your life when you allow Spirit to do so.

As Jesus said, "the workers are few", what was he talking about? His healers, his miracle workers.

I had a spiritually transforming year in my previous year on the planet, so no surprise then that I am juicing again today, a banana, two kiwi's, lime from half a lime, a spoonful of honey and a little milk, great for collagen boosting.


My body is asking for the fruit and there are many types of fruits to choose from, and some things that are called vegetables, are actually fruits. I am still eating the olives too for my collagen, and having my yogurt three times a day. Avocado is also on the menu this week, salmon and asparagus too. All the spiritual messages, the divine guidance has certainly done yours truly, the world of good.

I don't eat because I am hungry, I eat healing foods that are specifically appropriate for my body. So right now I am having some avocado, garlic, fresh coriander, spring onions, sesame seeds, some lime juice, some hemp oil, some goats cheese, with a little mayonnaise, with a slice of seed brown bread.

Delicious, how about you? What are you putting into your bodies?


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