
Monday 20 February 2017


People facing off in America, with the "anti-Trump" protestors being called out.

There is one thing about the Son of Joseph, he never had to cover his face, for he knew that he was standing in the truth, when he was marching, just like this young man that is calling them out. I like his poncho, and his courage to stand up to the protestors.

He is as bold as a Lion, with the confidence that Jesus likes, a Lion of Judah, and the Holy Mother did say that the Lions of Judah would rise up, she also said they were not afraid of yours truly. How could anyone be afraid of magnanimous love? Yet, some people were, as Jesus spoke of it.

There is more of the goings on in Portland, Oregon. A longer video. His point is that he is asking them why they are doing what they're doing, and what they think they will achieve.

It really links in with the solar eclipse energies of raising the standards for a higher cause than these particular protestors are involved in. The riot police did turn up eventually, and 14 were arrested, the protestors standing in front of a bus stopping a driver doing his job, is not allowed by people that live in accordance with the law.

In the Gospel of Thomas it mentions the word "happy", more than any other text holding his words and it is important for people to comprehend the importance of having a happy heart.

Not just for your health, but it also impacts upon your manifestation. For the heart is intelligent, intelligence comes from the heart.

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance". Proverbs 17:22.


February 2017

"But there they are, overwhelmed with dread, where there was nothing to dread. God scattered the bones of those that attacked you, you put them to shame, for God despised them. Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion. When God restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad". Psalm 53:5-6. 

Remember what Jesus said, 'To be sure, Elijah does come first, and restores all things'. Mark 9:12 

What did you restore during your life on the planet, did you restore things, were you healthy enough to do it? Did you restore a person when they were on a bed of illness? Psalm 41:3 

Were you willing to do everything that you could to help that person when called upon to help? If Israel prayed for you to come would you do everything that you could to help Israel? How about the family of Jacob, if they prayed for you to help them? 

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