
Monday 6 February 2017


The message received today when waking up was LISTEN and then I saw the Canadian flag.

I have at least four mandala paintings gifted to Canadians and three of the paintings were for men. 


My response to Gavin. The fact is that some dads don't turn out to be the best dads for the children, or the best partners for the mums. There comes the split. However, when two people choose and plan to have a child together, and then they split up after the child is born. It doesn't mean that only one parent should have to finance the high cost of bringing up a child alone. 

Both parents have a financial responsibility, both parents have a moral duty to that child. Men should think very carefully before agreeing to bring a child into the world, and women should do the same, to ensure that they have chosen the right person to be a dad for their child or children. 

In my experience during my lifetime, I have witnessed a change in the attitudes of men towards women and their children, and some men are just not willing to accept the responsibility of being a real man with real responsibilities. Putting all the responsibility onto women, just doesn't cut it Gavin, as we used to say in England, be careful where you put it. Some men like to have sexual relations, they like to have relationships, they don't like the responsibility that comes with it. 

The reason that I earnt more than the man that I married was because I was older, and began my career, and work life earlier than he did. So yes, I was the breadwinner for nearly five years. When it was his time to be the breadwinner, he left the marriage. Clearly, it didn't suit him anymore, when roles were about to change. 

During my life I have admired those couples that have managed to change roles many times during their lives, giving both parents the opportunity to go to work at different times, and giving both parents the opportunity to study if and when desired. 

An agreement should always be made before people decide to get married, all cards should be laid upon the table, as I had laid down my requirements prior to agreeing to get married. I believed that it was always best to be honest, and integrity has always been very important to yours truly. For trust in a relationship, is imperative for success of it. Communications are also essential, on-going dialog. 

Those requirements were accepted and agreed upon prior to the marriage.  Then when the time came to start a family, after I received the all clear from operative procedure on the cervix due to an American family planning device, he admitted that he never had any intention of having children. Where was the integrity in that?  

That was the end of the marriage, because one side didn't keep to their agreement in the truth of what had been agreed. I had been blessed with parents that worked through every storm in their relationship, through the different ages that they lived it. 

They always used to say that they were more in love in their 50's, than they ever were in their 20's. People mellow as they get older and mature, love deepens, and gets stronger when people can ride the storms that most relationships encounter. 

I think men have pushed the equality agenda too far, for male purposes. The more women that go out to work, the more taxes that are paid by both parents. 

However, that has had a detrimental impact on men, ensuring that there are not enough of the best paying jobs for men. Every woman should have the choice to stay at home to bring up her children, a human right for women. Women should not be forced to work against their will, because that can also have a detrimental impact upon the children. 

I had no choice but to go back to work after my son was born, as I had to support the family financially, I also had to support the cost of home help, and nursery. So in effect, I was supporting two people and a child, fortunately, I had a good career and work life prior to having a child. I was running a small business from home prior to going back to full-time work, and I carried on running that a small business, at the same time as working full-time and bringing up a child. It wasn't the ideal, but I just had to get on with it. 

Before I split with his dad that I met on the rebound, I was supporting three adults and a child. That is a lot of responsibility for a woman, while men are choosing to have none. I even funded the man with a small business, and he couldn't even keep his end up with that. 

I will add that I am not a feminist, although I will defend the right of women to stay home with their children. As my view is that children require their mums and we know for a fact that children are going to school at too young an age, and it is detrimental to their learning abilities. We should not be forcing young mums to go to work. 

It has been proven that children are going to school at least two years too young. Two years before they are ready to go to school. 

If we believe in the continuation of our historic cultures Gavin, then the children are the future of our cultures and it requires parents that have the ability to pass on the cultures in the best way possible. 

Who better to instigate that than their mums that are bringing up their children at home. More and more people are also deciding to homeschool their children, due to the brainwashing that is happening in schools. 

Men have to stop being wimps and be real men, real protectors and defenders of women, as women were made to be the nurturer's of both men and children. Although women can be great protectors and defenders of children if and when they are at risk. Adult children also have to be protectors of their parents when their parents are older, and vulnerable, it is not a one way street. 

So how much compassion for women do you have Gavin? 




Interesting that when Prince George went to Canada, he refused to shake hands with their PM.

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