
Monday 13 February 2017


In Italy 13 is a lucky number and "Fare Tredici" = "to do 13", and it means "to hit the jackpot" and I have always liked Italy and Italians, especially the Italian language, it just rolls off the tongue.

What's interesting is that I was born on the 13th of February, and in the 90's, I launched a new business for a client with the name "Jackpots" and it was a huge success, we certainly did hit the jackpot with a great launch to springboard the business. So the link between 13 and Jackpots is incredible synchronicity, don't you think?

13 is also a happy number, no coincidence then that I wrote about finding the happiness within, nearly 20 years ago, it was divine providence. From the wisdom gained in business, to sharing it in spirituality.

The 13th of February, is the "Day of Stimulation" in numerics.

It is written that in ancient cultures  the numeric of 13 was to do with femininity, and the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the MEM, the water that comes from wisdom, and the 13 different aspects of compassion. 13th of the 2nd month, 13 x 2 = 26.

In the book of formation 13 is associated with the fellowship of men. 

I do feel a lot more positive this day, this year, due to the resolution of different aspects of my life, the energies have certainly changed, and improvements are being made. I can feel the energy of progress, and see the progress being made around me too, I even have a new fridge, and I am very pleased with it.

It's an uplifting energy, and while bathing yesterday it was shared that I would feel better last night.


Today, I can feel the gentleness of love, really feel it, and I know that there are people thinking of me this day. I do plan to go out, it is a wintery day in the UK, to get something nice to eat, and see what else I can treat myself with, as a birthday treat.

To the readers of this blog have a lovely day, and I hope that you all win your jackpot of happiness for as the proverb says, 'A happy heart enhances one's brilliance". Proverbs 17:22

As Russell Means would say, 'It's a good day today'.

1 comment:

  1. News just in the President has chosen a Latino for the Labour position, from the tweets in response it is a popular choice. Alexander Acosta as labor secretary nominee.
