
Tuesday 14 February 2017


Over the years I found that there are prophecies in the proverbs and psalms and in Proverbs 30 it mentions "those whose teeth are swords and whose jaws are set with knives to devour the poor from the earth and the needy from among mankind". Proverbs 30:14

How can jaws be set with knives, when knives are made of metal. Swords in the mouth = sharp metal points in the mouth, like a knife that can cut.

This dental surgeon says that implants last 3-5 years. The dental surgeon in this video says that not all dentists are highly qualified enough to do such work. Do listen to what he has to say about it, prior to deciding upon having any dental implants, and spending so much on it because in the UK it can cost up to £1,000 a tooth.

Then this year this man says that he received prophecy about those with white teeth, and how a famine was coming upon them. It is of great concern due to the fact that America and Americans are the people that are most concerned with their teeth and how white they are. Although he thinks the prophecy pertains to Kenya, didn't Obama come from a family in Kenya?

Isn't he also mentioned in Rev 13? The black panther, that was translated as Leopard in Rev 13 and the book of Daniel. America is the only country with such an organisation as the "Black Panthers". 

Also interesting that Obama and his family have been with Richard Branson on Necker Island, and Branson is involved in healthcare in the UK and other countries in Europe. Richard Branson likes universal healthcare, as long as he is making money out of it, he liked Obamacare and Tony Blair that imported American systems into the UK. 

Richard Branson also owns land in California, vineyards, and California has had a huge drought for at least four years. Branson has had many warnings, over the years, even his house burned down. 

"I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah's time, when the sky was shut for three and half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land". Luke 4:25 


The Mexicans have also been involved in "Dental Implants", and Mexico has also had a severe drought. You can see in this video that the drought in Mexico has revealed a 16th century church. 

Remember this that only the rich can afford "Dental Implants" and there are rich people in every nation.

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