
Sunday 22 January 2017


I did some research on the "Women's March", and what I found was that it had been organised a long time prior to the election of President Donald John Trump. I also found that a female CIA agent was involved, and Obama and Clinton operatives. If Clinton had won the election it could have been a celebration for the Liberal Democrats, instead, it turned into an "Anti-Trump" rally.

I am not surprised that Obama and Clinton operatives were involved in it, nor was I surprised by the fact that the Muslim London Mayor was found with the "Anti-President of America march".  These are the same women that you didn't see protest against the Clinton's when they were getting rich on the backs of the blood of American prisoners.

Nor did those women campaign against Planned Parenthood even when Congress discovered that the Project Veritas findings had credibility. What they discovered was both "horrifying", and "criminal activity" when Congress carried out their investigation, their words.

Yes, Sadiq Khan was with the women in London, the same Labour Party, whose leader Jeremy Corbyn stood against our people leaving the EU. The same Jeremy Corbyn that stood against Nigel Farage, and Donald John Trump prior to and after the election of the new President.

The same people that encouraged immigration that has helped to lead our country into a humanitarian crisis in the NHS. The same people that encouraged Islamic faith schools, and some have had to be closed down by the government. The same people that support the fact that 67% of children in some schools in London, don't even speak English.

What these women support is "Cultural Genocide", of Western culture, along with the men that support their march. Remember this; it is Sadiq Khan that is intent upon changing what photography can be seen on public transport and a lot more.

In America, the rioters are now coming before the courts, and some could face up to ten years in prison for their activities. In one case, a person was shot in the abdomen outside of a talk, being given by the British journalist, Milo Yiannopolous, because those protesters were trying to close down freedom of speech.

After Milo received the news, he carried on with his talk, nothing would be allowed to stop his show. Protesters will not be allowed to close down freedom of speech, nor will they be able to stop the clear intentions of the new President of the U.S.A.

Now if you would like to listen to a real woman, listen to a real judge.

What other commentary do I have for you? WIKILEAKS is offering a reward of $130,000 for any lead that can locate the "killers of Seth Rich", the man that was working for the DNC.

Our Piers Morgan gave this in response to what the feminists are doing, and saying,  "Jesus Christ this is just outrageous". See the link for the full story.

However, in Macedonia, there has been a large movement of people both men and women and instead of working for George Soros, they're actually standing against him. Did you hear that feminists? Yes, standing against George Soros, that funded a lot of your activism. 

Did you know that George and his organisations are banned in Russia? Ever wondered why? Russia banned American food too, along with 160 countries. Ever done anything about the food that you eat feminists? Were there millions of you marching against GM, or is it just the President? I think we all know why when we look at your connections.

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