
Saturday 28 January 2017


Protestors in London are protesting against the cuts to the NHS, the STP's, and the Americanising of our NHS. One of the banners says, "Stop Americanising our NHS". The fact is that most of the people in the UK, have not been fully informed on what STP is, and how it has been planned by Cameron's government since 2013.

A majority of the decisions on the STP's and how the NHS budget is spent is actually being decided by Clinical Commissioning Groups, without proper consultation and involvement of the people that their decisions impact upon. Even the work assessment system was an American system, that Tony Blair brought in, and it is now being run by an American corporation, MAXIMUS.

Another American corporation was also given the contract to manage the medical and dental records of the people of the UK, that's CAPITA.

Even the IAPT/CBT system whereby people are forced to sign their privacy away, is also an American system. CBT came out of Philadelphia. Perhaps that's why Theresa May went to Philadelphia, hey? So I can appreciate why our people are saying, "Hands Off Our NHS".

The fact is that America is a country with high consumption, and consumerism, that has lived off the backs of the natural resources of other countries. America even uses more energy than any other country in the world, and I found that Americans don't like being called out on it.

The world is a big place, although the cake can only be cut into so many pieces, and America cannot have more than its fair share of the world.

Capita, and Maximus should be kicked out of our country just for starters. Then the IAPT/CBT system too, with the work assessment system, that has caused more suicides, and depression than anything else that they could throw at our people. In the first time in history, the UK has more depressed men, than we have ever had, and what do the doctors say to those men? They offer those men pharmaceutical drugs, as that is all they have to offer the people.

Have you seen the Pfizer case?

You will certainly see the Yin Fire Energy this year of the rooster.

Our farmers in Greece are also on the move. Remember what Americans did to Greece!

Our farmers in Spain too.

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