
Monday 30 January 2017


The MSM still supporting "Cultural Genocide". On that interview you will hear the interviewer speak  of the values of tolerance. I suggest that the BBC open their bibles and see what the bible says to them. Immigration wasn't an issue in the UK when Christians came from the commonwealth countries, nor was it an issue when people came from Israel, Greece, Italy, Holland, etc, because the people spoke English and they integrated into our nation.

However, that was a different era when there were enough jobs for everyone. Life has changed in the UK, and salaries in real terms have not increased since the late 80's due to the huge immigration that reduced the standard of living for most British people.

It is not permissible to increase immigration and to see your own people suffer as a consequence. In London, the indigenous people are now outnumbered by immigrants and they even have a Muslim mayor. That is a sign of cultural genocide, not tolerance. We are tolerant of allowing people in Islamic countries to live as they wish to live in their own countries. That's enough tolerance for the Spirit of those that live the truth.

Proverbs 31 

The fact is that England is a Christian nation, and if you wish for it to remain so, then you have no choice but to ban Muslims coming into the UK. People that have done their homework, know what the Islamic plan is; and that is to outbreed the nations that they invade. It is an Islamic invasion of the west in more ways than one. Socially, economically, legally and politically, Islam is a political ideology, and the politicians are the bane of our lives. 

The Islamic prophecies also foretold that Islamic men would go after your daughters. Why do you think it is mainly men that are amongst the economic immigrants, where do you think all of the women are?

The Christian Spirit is alive in the UK, just because people don't go to church on a regular basis, doesn't mean that the Christian Spirit is decreasing. Jesus the Jew is in our hearts, and his Jewish teachings have soared with spiritual people. Although he did say that Christianity hadn't been born and that it was still in the womb. It was over a decade ago that he said that.

We are tolerant of Americans, that doesn't mean that we wish for them to run our country, nor would they wish for the Brits to run theirs. People must be able to retain their own cultures, and they must not make all of the fields one. Prophet Isaiah gave a clear warning about that, the testimony of warning. Could you even dream of an English, Irish, Welsh, or Scottish Christian being a mayor of the capital city of Saudi? Iraq, or Libya? You are not even allowed to carry a bible over Saudi airspace, and Saudi does not accept any refugees from Islamic countries either. What Muslims have done is use western tolerance against the nations they invade.

So not in their countries, we are too willing to give away our cultures to a Muslim mayor, for goodness sakes, wake up Britain, otherwise there will be no more Britain. A major reason why UKIP has so much support in the UK, and the leave the EU voters won.


The quiet majority of British people are on the move. Did you know in Scotland, the socialists wouldn't even allow an Israeli to share his truth, freedom of speech was closed down by those socialists. The Son of Joseph would definitely not have tolerated that from the socialists, another reason why the quiet majority are on the move throughout Europe.

Put it this way, if a friend or friends of yours tried to close down your freedom of speech, would you still be friends with those people? Or would you defend the person that they were trying to stop from speaking the truth? Ponder upon it.

In the meantime, Italy is cracking down on the people traffickers, and has dismantled a network after a two year investigation. Those people were being transported from many different countries and it includes the following people: Egyptians, North Africans, Sudanese, and Syrians.

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