
Saturday 21 January 2017



Original artwork, 2016. 

MILO's talk at the University of Washington, outside of the event the "Distrupt J20" protestors were protesting "violently", report the police. In fact, it is also reported that a man was shot in the abdomen, and the description given to police is that the shooter was Asian.

As you will see in the event video, MILO and his audience were having a great time prior to hearing about the shooting.

We can never condone "violence" involved in a protest, as "Violence vexes the Spirit of God".

MILO says that he is praying for the person that was shot and taken to hospital. He also reports that he is in a secure and safe place after this talk took place. It is essential that freedom of speech is allowed, and protestors must honour the universal declaration of human rights, article 19.


Orignal artwork 2016

The fact that there have been groups of people that were intent on "disrupting" the inauguration, says a lot about those protestors. I did see a photograph of one of the protestors outside the Milo event, and he was wearing a helmet with crosses on it, and he had his face covered. I say to those people, did Jesus have to cover his face? NO!.

The presentation at the University of Washington begins at 26 minutes in. I've posted the olive tree painting above, due to the colour that Milo chose to wear for this event, BREITBART report that it came from Topshop. Milo's parentage also connects with the olives.

MILO Yiannopolous, would not cancel the event, even after he received the news of the shooting, he is adamant,  that "violent behaviour" will not be allowed to impact on freedom of speech and I agree with him on that point of view. I don't agree with everything that Milo says, although I do agree with most of what he says. However, he has the human right to express his views, whether I agree with him or not. Would I protest Milo? Certainly not, I know that he does hold truth highly, and "the point of the sword of truth, is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". Sacred Words

As usual, a great talk from Milo Yiannopolous. 

1 comment:

  1. Update, the suspect has handed himself in.
