
Monday 30 January 2017


After I got into bed, Ivanka and her husband appeared before me and they were smiling,  the happy couple. It must be great for the family to live in a house with a garden, much nicer than living in an apartment. From NYC to Washington.

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance" Proverbs 17:22

A great quote for 2017. 

Jared as been in the news business, and I came across this quote yesterday. "In the tumult of history-making events, digital and social media may be the best means to take the pulse of the moment". Reinventing the News Business, Michael Mendenhall, September 29, 2010. 

We have a situation whereby a majority of social media platforms are American owned, the American empire, because America has tried to control the international narrative. In 2010, Clinton admitted that America was "losing the information war". What she really meant was that she was. What I have noticed on social media on the American platforms is that it is mainly liberals that utilise it, so in effect, the left are just feeling their own pulse and Americans do appear to enjoy the drama of it all. 

How could social media gauge the pulse of those voters that were going to vote to leave the EU, if a majority of those voters were not expressing themselves on social media? The same with the Trump win, the people were moving quietly and not amongst the "noise" created by social media and the MSM.

In recent years I have noticed that some people are perplexed by the new media, and social media platforms, and it includes agency owners. Brands have also become vulnerable, due to the actions that can be taken in response to what what those brands do.

BREITBART and Kellogg's is just one example of a backlash, that becomes the outcome of brands and corporations getting involved in the political arena. Pfizer is another case, and so is Johnson and Johnson, with the talcum powder that should never be used upon your body or the body of a child.

The people that move quietly, are demanding integrity, and as Prophet Isaiah foretold, only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity. It's no coincidence that Ivanka and Jared named their first son Joseph, the dreamer, that interprets the dreams, wearing the coat of many colours. Interesting that the LORD foretold that people would name their children Joseph, after I had revealed myself to a nation that did not seek me, or ask for me.

I know that Ivanka loves her dad, and my dad was the Son of Joseph, the youngest of a large family of children. For sure there were few that could stand before him in integrity, the man was huge in speaking the truth, a great orator, self-taught, self-educated man, and he demanded that we speak the truth. Dad was a great reader, and he believed that a house without books, was like a house without windows. I have this picture of him in my healing room, with a another pic of him with mum at a wedding.

His memory lives on in our hearts, he was healthy, physically strong with a courageous heart, strong in Spirit and truth, he loved to be in the sunshine, his olive skin was brown all year round.

He would've made a wonderful healer in his retirement years, as his hands and positive heart were perfect for it, he used to say that I had his hands, and that I had been born with piano fingers. You could feel the sheer power of his power to heal through his hands, his hands were so hot pouring out the energy of love. He was so happy when I bought him a small gold "Star of David" to wear, the gifts his daughter gave him, meant so much to him.

The latest news is that Steve Bannon has been given a seat on the National Security Council, the veteran, the ex-naval officer, write, and filmmaker. Steve has really been telling the news media in America to give themselves a chance. To be quiet for long enough to hear what the new President is saying. Listening is essential, for how can you hear, if you don't listen?

I remember when I went to Israel for the first time after mum had passed over, and they asked me to listen to what the Israeli's had to say, and of course I did. When you a healer listening is essential, for comprehending the word that is spoken by the person that seeks your help. For in the beginning was the word and the word was made flesh. Probably why dad was so interested in the word, he certainly knew how to use the word to his advantage. Although he knew how important positive actions were and leading by example.

So too, Ivanka asked the people to give her dad a chance, relationships between Father and Daughter can be incredibly important, a very special relationship, when dad exalts his child. Jared is a lovely dad, and Ivanka and Jared are a lovely couple. Best wishes to you.

Then in Hungary the people are standing against George Soros and his organisations in Hungary. 

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