
Sunday 8 January 2017


I'm still keeping an eye on the biorhythm cycles to see how accurate they are. Today, it indicates that my energy is low physically, that's true, I was really feeling it when I woke up today, although intellectually I am on a high at 97%.

My intellectual high will take me through the next few appointments that I have with the hospital neurologist, and dentist this coming week.

The chart shows that I will be on another high intellectually in the second week in February, just in time for my birthday, on the 13th, I will be soaring again then. These charts are fascinating. My age today is 22,975 days. So this Aquarian won't be in the 22 energies for much longer. Interesting that it is written that Jesus taught for 22 years and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

Now physically, I should be feeling better around the 16th of January, that would make sense as it will be a month after the surgery that took place in December.

If you would like to look at your biorhythm cycles then I recommend

What have I had to eat today to boost my energy?  I've had two slices of brown seeded bread and butter, to go with some humous, egg and cress mayonnaise, and chicken liver pate. I also had a little coronation coleslaw.

My smoothie is some pomegranate and banana, I have also made some cous cous and poured some of the smoothie on it. Some paprika sprinkled for taste. It's going to be a fruity dinner.

The salmon fish is in the pan and I shall add some lemon juice and sesame seeds when it is nearly cooked with the rest of the fresh coriander. Salmon is great brain food, great for the neurones, I don't eat much, although what I do eat, I try to make sure is the best quality. Little and often at my age, is best for the body.

The sesame seeds are for the healing of the skin, and I also have some olive dip to finish up too for boosting the estrogen that boosts the collagen, that helps the skin to heal. It has been quite a journey, thank God I was fully prepared for it.

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