
Sunday 1 January 2017


An easier time for Aquarians in 2017, that confirms a previous post on the numerics of 2017. Steve does an annual look at Aquarius for the year of 2017. 

Sacredstar and the numerics. Proverbs 17, the numeric of the STAR, the "Prudent Servant". "Eloquent Lips". In Greek the word is lo/gia = skilled in speech, from the root lo/gov = logos.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17. Jesus is certainly eloquent when he speaks, not only eloquent, a man of few words, incredibly profound. 

When you look at people's Tweet's you can see who is eloquent with the written word and who is not. You can see who has self-discipline and who still has to work on it. For the power of the word is mighty indeed, whether written, spoken or sung. 

Celebrities may be effective on screen, but what are they like in real life? The Tweets of the American celebrities show us what they hold inside. The same could be said for people that 'reacted', to emails in days gone by. 

It is often the case that people that are eloquent in real life, with the spoken word, it can trigger those that are not, the word does trigger people, if they have something inside to heal. 

So it can be an issue in relationships, and can cause issues in friendships, although those that are true friends eventually work through it within themselves, when you give them enough space to do so. It comes back to how compatible are you? 

Friends that truly love you come to accept that we all have different skills and talents, some will appreciate you for it, and some won't. That is where true acceptance comes in, as Tania used to say, "have an acceptance of that which is" is indeed powerful. I remember our days that we shared together, when the time had come for that to be integrated into my life in respect of relationships. I was in my young 30's at the time, bless her, one of my miracle sisters. Tania the older sister, that many young ones called her "Mum".  Always in my heart, love is always in heart.

Life will test you on your acceptance of it, just at the Liberal Democrats are being tested on it too. They have to have an acceptance of that which is, they have to accept that Donald John Trump is their President and Milo has been given a publishing contract and will be releasing his book in a couple of months. Integrity is "dangerous" isn't it? Dangerous to whom? I'm sure that you can work it out. I also remember the days when a photographer said to yours truly, "If you had money behind you, you would be dangerous", I was a business owner at the time, in communications. 

People have been developed in different ways, just as I was developed at school to write the written word in Italics. It is rare to find a person who has handwriting in Italics, it's great for paperwork for it is easily read and it made my handwriting easily recognisable. It is also rare to find a child that is trained in public speaking by their parents. If I was in charge of education, I would give every child the opportunity to learn to write Italics, it's so beautiful. 

I didn't train my son to debate, like the Son of Joseph taught yours truly, although he was brought up in a home with a mother that worked in communications, and I did debate with him about life, so he lived the experience of it, the tree of life experience.  Of course, while he was growing up, people would mention how beautifully he spoke; and how polite he was when he met people. As we say in England, 'You could take him anywhere' because he behaved so well. I will always remember him saying, "Mummy, may I have" in an angelic voice. The lovely memories that are positive in our life, after the children have grown up, and flown from the nest. 

My son is a double Aquarian, and male Aquarians tend to be very "emotionally detached" from their partners and loved ones. Friendship and Freedom are two of the keys for Aquarians, it is often the case that they put more importance upon their friendships than they do their families, because Aquarians came for humanity, Aquarians belong to humanity for the Aquarian Age, to show humanity what it means. 

Of course their soul journey outlined by their north node will also have an impact upon that and their divine purpose that has be realised prior to the age of 49. If it isn't realised by then, it rarely comes into being after that age. Each have a mission, a divine purpose on the planet, although not everyone aligns with it and their souls. 

The best thing with Aquarians is to allow them to have their space, they have to be allowed to grow, they have to be allowed to feel the freedom, like the wind in your hair. It is also important to note that some men mature emotionally later than others, and some are late developers due to their birth experience. Would I choose an intimate relationship with an Aquarian man? 

Probably not, from experience I know that they are too detached for my liking. Aquarian men are definitely different to Aquarian women. I am compatible with Libra and also with Gemini's, and my platonic friend David was a Gemini. David also spoke and wrote eloquently, and he understood this heart of integrity. 

In scripture Jesus did speak of 'no entanglement', and the same is written about the saints. For we cannot have anything or anyone that hinders the will of God, our saints have been trained to be unfettered flames of God, that do his will, handsomely. 

Powerful flames of love that can consume that which tries to stand in the way of the godly. I think that is where my fire comes in my birth chart, the fire of the traveller through the heavens. My chart has lots of air, fire, and water, with very little earth. The power of Elijah with air, fire and water and very little earth. 

I only have one earth sign in my whole chart and that is my soul journey of the north node. When I look at what Americans spend on Christmas, truly I have been prudent during my life and not because I had to be either. I always remembered Sophia's words, 'waste not, want not'. 

It makes you wonder if America has a lot of earth in its birth chart, as a country it appears to be very into its earthly realities. 

2017 Year for Aquarians

This is his view for January, 2017 and there is a new moon in Aquarius on the 28th. My son will be 34 this year, 2 x 17 = 34, 34 = a 7 year in the life cycle, so it can indicate that he will be drawn to a spiritual teacher this year due to the difficulties that he will encounter. It is a year of upheavals for him, and there is bound to be "conflict" in his life. He definitely will not be settled this year, due to the power of the numerics in his life, a lot will come home to roost for him. Reaping what he has sown.

As the prophecy foretold, I revealed myself to a nation that did not ask for me, I revealed myself to those that did not seek me. That prophecy is clearly about America, because Rev 12 overlapped with Micah 4, and Micah 4 is about the mission to America. People think that everyone is the same, when the fact is that people are different and unique, so let me know when you have been sent to a different nation to call them out like Jonah was. That was a sign of Jonah wasn't it?

Then we can talk, because only then will you comprehend yours truly and the life journey. Remember this we discipline those that we love and Putin is definitely very disciplined, unlike Obama and Clinton and what they did to Libya. Let us not have a repeat of that America, enough really is enough. Now it is time for yours truly to have an easier time of it, and for you to integrate 'having an acceptance of that which is', and it is better that love disciplines you, than for love to remain hidden. 

Love did indeed stand by, ready to go when told to go. Happy Chanukah, Happy New Year, 2017.

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