
Saturday 10 December 2016


I was making a coffee after responding to an American about technology, and I received a sudden waft of AMMONIA, I could actually smell it in the kitchen. Being able to smell what Spirit give you is a spiritual talent.

Interesting that this video mentions ammonia and the liver, and I have been writing about Steve Jobs and David Bowie that had liver issues. The liver is also mentioned in the bible, and how his liver was pierced. Interesting how both men were living in America at the time that they developed issues with their liver.

The battle still rages in America while Americans continue to promote google search engine to the business community. The same search engine that did its utmost to promote Clinton, and censor posts on Donald John Trump.

The same search engine that chose to impact upon what people could access, and what they couldn't. The same search engine that supported a woman that made her huge wealth on the backs of the poor, by taking the 'blood' of 'prisoners'. Is that forgivable, when you know that people were arrested for 'petty' things so that their blood could be taken, so the Clintons could earn even more?

Is it forgivable when Clinton was taking money from Islamic men, to create cultural genocide of her own nation? Is it forgivable when Clinton and her Planned Parenthood were giving people contraception that they knew would not work, and then when those women were pregnant, they were talked into having an "abortion" because that was one of the ways that planned parenthood makes money, how they made money on the backs of the 'abortions' of the poor.

Is it forgivable, that Clinton put those women on a "guilt trip', that impacts upon the immune system and the liver, just so that Clinton would get some votes? Shall I go on? The Liberal Democrats and their supporters have been fed "Guilt", that's why women that were employed at Planned Parenthood were women that had previously had 'abortions'. Those American women voted for what they had been talked into by the Clinton reality.

Clinton knew in 2010, that she was, what she referred to as 'losing the information war', Clinton wasn't banking on divine intervention turning up, as Jesus had foretold that wisdom would come, and wisdom is more precious than rubies. He also foretold that wisdom would be proven right.

Let's look at the ammonia again, this video is about the detoxification of ammonia.

Ammonia and its historical name, Wikipedia share with us that the Romans gave the name of sal ammoniacus = salt of Amun due to them collecting ammonium choride near the Temple of Amun. In Greek, Ammon in Libya. Hence salts of ammonia have been known since ancient times, Hammoniacus sal appears in the writing of Pliny. 

Globally, as of 2014, 88% of ammonia is used in fertilisers and I also knew a beautiful young woman that was a marketing professional for a fertiliser company, FISONS, and Alison also passed over due to cancer. We were neighbours, and I approached her about the Fisons account after we moved houses. Alison didn't offer me a meeting to go to the manufacturing facility, I think she knew then that she had "cancer", and she didn't wish for me to go near that facility.

I also knew a woman that had a serious breathing condition, and it was developing while she was living on farmland. Fortunately, we had a miracle with the Reiki healing, flower essences and my meditation CD, she was given all three after she moved off the farmland.

The kingdom of God was upon her, hands on, she made such a miraculous recovery, she even forgot about how she was feeling until the doctor questioned her on her recovery. The miracle woman shared how the doctor had taken her lung graphs twice, because even he couldn't believe what had happened to her lungs and how they had recovered.

I enjoy eating liver, lambs liver and chicken livers and my intuition tells me this is important to the liver of people. Mum always gave us lambs liver cooked with onions and in gravy, and after my son was born, I cooked chicken livers with Ella when I was helping her with outside catering.

I've cooked chicken livers and ate them ever since, in small quantities. It's a very economical meal, either as a liver pate, or cooked with tomatoes, onions, and red kidney beans. Pate is ideal for elderly people due to it being easily digestible and it has a lot of butter and garlic in it. With some brandy.

When my son was small, I also used to have lamb's kidneys with breakfast, mum liked that too, for most of mum's life she was incredibly fit and healthy, she ate very healthy food. She ate smaller meals as she got older, and more and more stews and soups. Lily knew how to eat economically, as she had lived through WW2, and she passed on everything that she could to her daughter. I used to love standing by and watching her cooking.

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