
Friday 30 December 2016


Star numbers include 1, 13, and 37 and 37 is a prime number and it creates what is known as the 'Star of David'. The intention of this post is to wish you all a happy New Year, and happy 2017. On the first day of January, 2017, it will be the last day of the Jewish holidays, of Chanukah.

After we turned into the millennium, it was Archangel Michael that bestowed the name 'SACREDSTAR', and mystics are given many divine names by the divine on their spiritual journey. I didn't tell anyone about the name, until two other clairvoyants had been given the name to bestow to me, so it was great confirmation of what I had already received.

It was also great confirmation for those two women, that had been given it to bestow. As I could indeed give those spiritual women confirmation. That was long before I knew that the work that Archangel Michael and I were to do together was mentioned in the book of Revelation, Rev 12, and Jesus spoke of how that had been completed in December 2008. The Rev 12 prophecy also overlapped with Micah 4 and the mission to America, in between there were two missions to Israel.


The new millennium was born in wisdom. Wisdom is also mentioned in Rev 13, when I was compelled to do the count on the man. So we are very pleased to see the end of Obama's administration and all that brought with Clinton. Two people that we hope to never see again on the world stage, and or involved in the lives of the people.

Obama the Leopard, that is also mentioned in the book of Daniel and the Zephaniah prophecies. The tall, thin, black man that Nostradamus had written about. Obama was only meant to be in office for one administration, we all know what the Liberal Democrats did with the voting in his election. Had the vote been carried out honestly, Obama would not have had a second chance, as we know for a fact that he wasn't voted in by the electorate. When Clinton laughed at what she had done to Libya, and its leader, that was a big wake up call for Americans that support peace, and harmony.

So we celebrate this New Year that due to the tremendous work of Julian Assange at Wikileaks, James O'Keefe at Project Veritas, and Donald Trump's enthusiastic team, that includes Milo Yiannopolous at Breitbart, that we have a change of leadership in America. There are so many names of people to honour, and celebrate, you know who you are and why you came to be in this timeline.

Of course we also celebrate the power of the people, that took their power back from the Liberal Democrats and their political correctness that we have been exposing since the new millennium began. Putin has also said about the diplomats, that 'we will not expel anyone, we refuse to sink to Obama's level'.

In our defence of freedom of speech we stood against what I called the PC brigade. The PC brigade that were trying to close down freedom of speech in the UK. Clinton admitted in 2010, that America was 'losing the information war'. What she really meant was, that she was 'losing' it, because the American people were waking up to what was happening in their country.

Of course it has helped tremendously that Europeans have been sharing and healing together, those of us that were united together in our hearts with Americans. It was lovely to receive that dream of Americans coming to the UK to heal with yours truly. Of course, we will also be forever grateful for Nigel Farage, a man of the people that has connected with Donald John Trump's heart.

20+17 = 37 = WISDOM

3+7 = 10 A new cycle of time that is bound to bring change into people's lives.

1+7 = 8, a numeric of spiritual transformation.

On my birthday, the 13th of February, 2017, I will begin a nine year in my life cycle, a year of completion and divine love in a nine year journey, so it means that it is a special peak year for yours truly. The end of a nine year cycle that began in 2008 for these Lotus Feet. It was also at the end of 2008 that we began blogging, it was ordained by Jesus when he spoke of us going into a higher gear and that the time was nigh. 2008 was also a new cycle of time, an important mission with America, as the prophecy foretold, I revealed myself to those that did not ask for me, to those that did not seek me.

2017 as a 7 at the end of the year numeric and 7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher, it is also my life number. Incredible how things work out.


29th December, 2016

Proverbs 17 is an interesting proverb that speaks of the "Prudent Servant', and the 'Eloquent Lips', interesting that a spiritual woman that spoke to me recently said, 'You speak eloquently'. A true friend loves at all times, for richer or for poorer, in sickness, and in health. 'A cheerful heart is good medicine'. 'The one that has knowledge, uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered'.

Know this that if your children bring sorrow to your heart when they become adults, they are taken out of your life by the divine force that defends your heart. Sometimes they come back again, but only when they learn to respect and uphold their elders that speak eloquently. Only those that uphold Zion's cause are allowed to be in my life.

For the Spirit of Grace, encounters the opposite of it in the life as foretold by Proverbs 17. The proverb foretold that a brother is born for times of 'adversity', no surprise then that a sibling was brought into my life when I was just seven years old.

Although I tend to speak of the spiritual family in these last days of the end times, when I speak of family, just as Jesus did too.

What are you eating today? I am having some of my homemade chicken liver pate, and some of my homemade olive humous. I might make some more egg mayonnaise as that is also delicious. I have some more avocado, and aubergine dip that I can have to. Our Spanish mama says that we shouldn't mix proteins, but I don't agree with her.

As Sophia used to say, a little bit of what you fancy does you good, Sophia knew the power of intentions, for it was the power of her intentions that helped to keep her alive; that and her will to live. A great legacy that she passed onto her granddaughter, she did not remain silent, she spoke with restraint, and she was definitely a prudent servant that spoke eloquently. Sophia made sure that she knew what fruit I liked the best, and the Son of Joseph would also bring that fruit home for me.

The heavenly Father shares the OLIVE so that us women can boost our Vit E, and that gives a booster to our collagen, that also helps our skin and recovery from surgery.

What else did he give us prior to this? For another spiritual woman that had encountered surgery? He gave us the BERGAMOT for her and that is such a wonderful aromatherapy oil. I was blessed that I was able to get some for myself too. He sure does look after us 'Sisters of the Rose' that can hear his voice. Sisters in the virtue of grace, the great defenders of spirituality, spiritual talents and gifts. The great protectors of spiritual life and its existence.

This morning when I woke up, I saw the face of Carrie Fisher, she was pleased that I had made a post dedicated to her mother and included her in it.

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