
Monday 26 December 2016


That's a turn up for the book isn't it, with the rise in immigration it brought more people that wished to remain in the EU, and an obvious increase in Muslims. However, in the research it was discovered that the leave voters were more godly than the remain voters in the UK. My view is that due to the increase in Islam too, atheism as increased by 5% in the UK in the last year.

If there is one thing that Islam does, it drives people away from having faithfulness in anything. You have to be really strong in faithfulness to retain your spirituality, however you choose to engage in it or manifest it. People have to be steadfast, and vigilant. Remember what Jesus said about building your houses on sand. Is it any surprise that the remain voters in the UK also support Islam? Do they have any comprehension of what happened to the Christians in the middle east? Do they even care? Is that what they would like to happen to the UK?


Now that Obama, is the Leopard that was telling the UK to stay in the EU, the same Obama that has been standing against Israel. The same Obama that took out the Libyan leader with Clinton, then Clinton laughed about it. The same Obama that was working with the Arab league to take out Assad, thank God for Putin, for saving what was once Christian Syria, prior to Islam.


We don't take any notice of UN resolutions against Israel, because we know all about the UN Security Council and the Human Rights Council. I think it will be great when Donald John Trump and his dogs get their teeth into those councils. You can be sure he will tell them all off for wasting public money, I guarantee those people sitting in those councils will all be on the run like the Obama cats, after Trump is inaugurated. We are not putting up with them anymore, enough is enough.

Do you know what I think, tongue in cheek, the UK got all the German atheists to move to London, because the Germans that I've met abroad, have all been very spiritual. One of the Reiki historians was German too, me and Frank met up in Scotland at his invitation. He was also an Osho follower.

Even the German supreme court voted in support of Reiki healers, and the fact that Reiki healers did not require a massage qualification, like they have enforced in some states in America. The German Reiki healers defended their spiritual art.

Those American healers just sat back and took what was being enforced upon them. Did you know that in Chicago you have to have a massage qualification, to practise your energy healing art?

At least in the UK, we had Prince Charles to defend Reiki, complimentary health, and alternatives, and our holistic doctors. He has been the most prominent leader to defend our spiritual community. Prince Charles was defending the spirituality of the UK, and Obama was promoting Islam, even told the UK that the UK had to accept Turkey into the EU with its 70 million Muslims. Has Obama gone stark raving mad, or is he still on the Muslim payroll like Clinton has been for decades.

When some in the House of Lords decided that they wished to take control of complimentary medicine in the UK, we fought back, with the spiritual freedom campaign because we self-regulate our spiritual communities.

An international competitor and teacher of Reiki and Martial Arts, a Reiki historian, Robert Jefford, also shared with us that they tried to do the same to Martial Arts, but the martial artists saw off the government and their control mechanisms. That brought joy to our hearts, because we knew then that we could defend and we could win, just like the martial artists won to protect their art.

You see they can't regulate the truly spiritual that rise to the challenge, and we certainly rose up to defend our culture from the EU, in the same way as we rose up to defend Israel. The truly spiritual defend Israel, in the same way that we defend our homeland and spiritual realities. For we have little Israel in north London.



The Sisters of the Rose were indeed prepared and ready for what was to come, we have big hearts filled with love in every direction.  As Jesus foretold, that it would begin as it ended in ancient times.

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