
Tuesday 20 December 2016


The political activist group known as "Hope not Hate", have proven themselves to be against "Freedom of Speech" that is a Universal, Human Right. In recent years they even delivered a petition to Theresa May, to ban American speakers from speaking in the UK. That's not very hopeful is it from those activists? What did you think you would get from those that have Labour support and campaigned to stay in the EU, and against UKIP?

1. They campaigned against Nigel Farage and UKIP in the run up to the EU elections.

2. They campaigned against leaving the EU in the lead up to the referendum.

3. They campaigned against American speakers sharing their truth in the UK. Which means that "Hope not Hate", are on the Obama bandwagon with what has become known as the American "Race Card". I only have ACE Cards in my right hand, the UK is not supporting the American reality of divisiveness inflicted by the Liberal Democrats on my watch.

The truth will be told in the UK, whether people like it or not.

Now after the event in Berlin, Nigel Farage made a Tweet in response, just like many other people have commented on it on the internet. Then Brendan Cox decides to go after Nigel. Nigel than mentions the political activists on LBC radio, due to Brendan Cox giving fundraising to their political activism and now the "Hate" group are threatening legal action against Nigel Farage, for expressing his truth.

I support Nigel Farage and his human right of freedom of speech, fundraising for political activism should be banned when people are under the impression that it is an advocacy group. With the Labour peer Lord Sugar, (who recently left the Labour Party), and Baroness Glenys Kinnock, it surely is political. Then you've got Eddie Izzard that also campaigned for staying in the EU, as did Sugar.

Interesting what Jesus had to say about that word that was translated as "HATE", in its original language, it actually means to "Love less". So people are going to ban people for loving less now are they? I can assure you that true Europeans don't like Angela Merkel, the sooner that she goes the better. I agree with Nigel Farage, what happened in Berlin, is Merkel's legacy.

BREXIT, is Nigel's legacy, don't like it? Tough, we won. 2016, reminds us of Proverbs 16. 'Better to be patient than be a warrior" and Nigel was certainly patient at getting us the referendum, and patient with everyone that stood against him, UKIP, and UKIP supporters. Patience is a virtue.

I've felt really connected to Sister Sledge in recent days, and they're appearing in Scotland.

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