
Saturday 3 December 2016


Yesterday evening a neighbour brought yours truly some brown bread and cheese, and when she beings me something, it usually means that I have to increase my intake. So it is December, and we have to increase our calcium, and don't forget to have your Vit K, as it helps the brain to assimilate  the calcium.

I also recommend that you increase your garlic intake to double what you usually eat. So for instance last night I had garlic mushrooms with two large cloves of garlic. I included some onion, and also sprinkled cheese on the top, I ate it with some brown bread. I like garlic mushrooms very much, so when the mushrooms are reduced in price, I always buy some to eat.

I do like a ploughman's too with some pickles and stilton too for holiday time. As Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Whomever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty'. JOHN 6:35

Our healers are armed with faithfulness, our REIKI healers have their fingers on it. The finger of God, it came to be, miracle workers, hands on it with the Son of God. Our saints are always honoured for it was meant to be for his glory. Armed with faithfulness our healers are, the kingdom of God has come upon you, when you have experienced such miracles. Luke 11:20


Healing Angels become Saints, in the power of the Son of God with patience of the Saints. Another healer, another pensioner, brought yours truly a double hob last week, so that I have more to cook on.

The LORD foretold that they would come after the "Bitter End', and as we know there is a "Bitter End" in New York. Although it is also a nautical term and one could view it as being at the end of the mystics rope, when the ship as left the shore. President Elect, Mr Trump certainly has a battleship that is raring to go and be victorious to overcome any and all of the obstacles before him. Everyone that was meant to be on board, is on board and ready for go.

I spoke to a couple of healers in the UK, one of the healers didn't like Donald, (probably due to what the media were portraying about him in the UK), although the other healer did like him, she found him funny too.

My winter time energy bills have also been sponsored by a beloved, God bless him, always being willing to help out when required with what is essential for life to exist.

Saints are certainly made by God who inspires the saints to do what they do charitably. Those that have volunteered to help local charities during their lives, do receive charity when required. Those that have helped others abroad charitably, also receive charity from abroad.

Those that have been charitable, receive charity, if and when required. Those that have been merciful, receive mercy, those that have been compassionate receive compassionate action.

Spirit of Grace and Supplication, for the Grace of God, armed with faithfulness. We will get through the winter time together, in the power of love. Those that shielded men, women and children, are shielded when required. Hearts were sealed by the divine feminine, so that only truth could enter in your hearts, the flame of Joseph. Only one in a thousand could stand in integrity before Joseph.

Those that were meant to be covered in feathers during their lives were done so, I like feathers do you? Peter was also given feathers, on his Tomahawk, for surely it was a blessing from the LORD.

Last night, while reading in a social network, I received the message, "LAST CASE SCENARIO". After that I found some young budding musicians that had chosen that name for their group, they sounded English when they were singing.

The message received prior to that was "Blackwood", and I also found a musician with that name too, Steve Blackwood, a rock musician.

What else is happening? American Military Intelligence can't buy Mark Dice.

It was during the Gordon Brown era when he spent a huge budget in the UK, on trying to ascertain why we do what we do. As our people did not fit into either the "Private", or "Public" Sectors, so the marketeers came up with the title of "Third Sector", as they were trying to harness our energy and activities so that the corporations could reach us, due to the sheer growth of it at the grass roots. 

The corporations could not infiltrate people of integrity, they couldn't infiltrate the NGO's that were in integrity too. They couldn't infiltrate individuals that were doing God's work. There was nothing that the governments could do to stop us, although they tried with various methodology and different stakeholders. 

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