
Friday 18 November 2016


In 2015, I had a dream of Amal Clooney and there was popcorn going off all around her like fireworks, and it had the sound of popcorn. As we know popcorn is usually associated with going to the cinema. Amal lives in England with her American actor husband George Clooney.

Her husband came out against Trump prior to the election, and now Amal has been talking to women in Texas. Feminist Amal Clooney had the audacity to say, "The worst thing that we can do as women is not stand up for each other". Clinton that called American women, "deplorable's" because they supported Trump and not Clinton's "war crimes' and "crimes against humanity".

Seriously, how could Amal and the Clooney's ever support a woman and a party that even supported Clinton after the war against Libya and the Wikileaks disclosures of her emails?

Let me tell you this America, Amal Clooney has done absolutely nothing at all to help women in the UK. As far as I am aware, the human rights lawyer did nothing to defend women that had the bedroom tax inflicted upon them, nothing to stop their children's bedrooms being removed,

Amal did nothing to help women that were being sanctioned by DWP, that is in contravention of the human right to food and housing. Amal did nothing to help 1950's women that have had their pensions removed, she's done nothing to help the disabled women either.

The only thing that Amal Clooney has done is work for rich Muslim clients and other rich clients that can afford to pay her expensive fees. How much did you pay her to speak at your conference Texas?

Amal has said that Trump 'could violate international human rights laws', I have a reality check for Amal Clooney, Obama has been doing that for eight years, and Clinton has been doing it for decades.

The system of "Economic Cruelty" is an American system that was brought to the UK during Tony Blair's government. Not only is the UK in contravention of human rights law, it is also in contravention of privacy laws.

So I don't think that Amal is telling us anything that we don't already know about America, but maybe this post will help Americans to look deeply at their own system of welfare, healthcare and human rights.

We cannot have a situation whereby a woman from the UK, tells women in Texas what Trump will or will not do. For goodness sake, Trump hasn't even moved into the White House yet, stop speculating.  Although I will say this, whatever he does will be better than what previous presidents have done, and thank God for that.

What else has been happening? American Educators refuse to accept the outcome of the election.

San Francisco Teachers Union has provided an "Anti-Trump" curriculum, "Do not tell them that we've lost".

Did you tell them Amal that the Obama-Clinton era doubled the American debt in eight years?

Have you ever heard anything like it in your life? What happened to truth America? What happened to integrity and honour America? Whatever happened to democracy and the democratic vote? Yes, we know what was going on and how Clinton tried to win the election, we've got the investigative journalism done by Project Veritas.

We know that the police had to raid DNC offices etc. We know that Clinton supporters were voting in more than one location, we've filmed it. We know that people were bused from location to location, we know that people were bused to rallies, we know that rioters and protesters have been paid for, plus a lot more. That's my rant for the day.

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