
Friday 11 November 2016

Ron Paul on Donald Trump

This an interview with Ron Paul, who ran for the American presidency in 2012. He has continuously stood against the FED. In this interview they discuss the fact that Trump as said that he is against, "Stupid Wars", he is also against the way that NATO is run. Trump embraces what Ron Paul says about a smaller government, I even saw a tweet that it is possible that Ron Paul could join Trump at the White House. In this interview they mainly discuss foreign policy, and how Trump is willing to have much better relations with Russia.

Ron Paul is asking for the people of America to take responsibility for its co-creation. They also discuss the fact that Wikileaks disclosures about the emails, as certainly helped Donald J Trump to win the vote. Ultimately, integrity is essential for the survival of humanity, and America. As I've pointed out to Clinton supporters, Trump is a businessman and a real businessman is most interested in prosperity for his own nation. 

I had a dream of Ron Paul, so I am pleased that he is still getting involved in American politics and impacting upon it with his commentary. He laughs off the mention of him becoming Secretary of State, although some Americans have been calling for Ron Paul to become Secretary of the Treasury. 

Real business people don't like war, they certainly don't like getting involved in 'needless' wars that Trump views as 'Stupid'. I think we can say that what Clinton did to Libya and its leader was a lot more than "Stupid", it was a "War Crime", Clinton's "Crimes Against Humanity", should be brought before an international court of law.

American presidents are not above the law or its constitution, in fact, they are meant to serve it on behalf of the people. As I wrote the other day, the only law that is worthy of humanity, is the law that brings freedom, and Jesus was correct, when he said, the truth shall set them free. However, self-discipline is also imperative, and Ron Paul is very self-disciplined. He empowered a movement with his passion for spreading the truth, and the movement has been building for as long as I can remember in recent history.

Although from my life experience, I do know that some Americans do not like to hear the truth about their nation and what some of their people have been up to. Especially when it comes to Obama and Clinton and what they've co-created, as seen in this video.

I wrote a post on Ron Paul 2013, its interesting reading it again, and what was written three years ago.

In 2012, I also had a dream of Ron Paul and he was a business property owner, no surprise then that Donald J Trump is also a property owner. Ron Paul's original career was in health, a doctor, although in the dream, he didn't carry out the treatment in a dental surgery, he gave it to someone else to do. He gave the job to someone else to work with me on health, and he knew that I required surgery.

In the context of America then, its amazing that Ben Carson is one of the world's top surgeons. One of the very best in the world. Truly, your health is safe in the hands of Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon.


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