
Sunday 6 November 2016

Pope Green for Prisoners

So we have the Pope wearing green and he don't look very happy on his prisoner's day. Maybe he's heard that Trump is winning, and that people are shouting for Hillary Clinton to go to prison. Do you remember that dinner in New York, when Clinton mentioned the Pope, and her Jesuit VP?

Do you remember that the Clintons made their wealth originally, from taking the blood of prisoners and selling it?  Perhaps she gave some of her money to the clergy, instead of the saints. Trump made the clergy sweat in NYC didn't he?

Do you remember the painting that came in prior to his election in Rome? Yea, the Amazon painting indicated that the pope that they would select would come from South America. Prophetic!

It's no coincidence that Gina Miller that tried to delay and stop BREXIT is also South American, not even born in the UK.

See those Christians are supposed to save up their money from their wages, and give it to the saints. I don't think the Vatican is happy about that, do you?

On the 17th October, 2016, a St Michael's Church was on fire in Bristol and that is biblical prophecy.

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