
Wednesday 23 November 2016


Kent Educationalists react to MILO and ban him, as such they are closing down freedom of speech that is a Universal Human Right, Article 19. Not only are they in contravention of the law, they have also written a "scathing attack" upon him, with "name calling", and "smears".

What I will say to Kent Education, what does that say about you? I suggest you reflect deeply within, to find out why. For truly, if you were imparting freedom of expression to your pupils and students, you would welcome Milo with open arms. To open up the national debate for young people to have a voice, and be able to engage with the opportunity to meet a man that has just helped Donald J Trump to stride home to the Presidential seat.

Extraordinary people, do extraordinary things, and silence is compliance, so what are you complying with? Don't you think that the Human Rights, Universal Declaration, Article 19 should be adhered to?

When I was a consultant to Sure Start, working with the families, introducing the "New Empowerment Model", that Article 19, was one of the first things that I gave to the parents. It was really important to me that those young people knew their human rights, and understood freedom of expression.

Don't you think that the youth of today in Kent are mature enough to make the choice for themselves, whether or not to attend?  Do you think that your political correctness has any sway over what the youth watch on youtube or the news sites that they visit?

Opportunities like this only come once in a lifetime for any young people, and you are denying the young people of Kent the enjoyment of spending some time with an extraordinary speaker and journalist, a young man that has so much to share, so much courage, enthusiasm and creativity.

I think this banning,  is more than just based upon an ideology from the Kent educationalists, it has political undertones, especially, as Kent is the county of Nigel Farage. Nigel Farage that is all over the national newspapers with the new President of America today. This is a new era that began with the referendum, and educationalists seriously have to catch up with the people and where they are coming from. The world has changed, have you changed with it?

A few tweets from Donald and Nigel and there is a political storm in the U.K and together they're all over the nationals.

Julian Assange and Donald J Trump currently have the most votes for "Person of the Year" at TIME Magazine.

Then comes Nigel Farage and Putin in the vote.

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