
Saturday 26 November 2016


There has been a lot of speculation about Kayne West and his wife Kim, in recent weeks. I've seen how he ranted on stage and let it all out prior to the show stopping, the tour stopping, and Kayne being taken to a medical facility says the news. It is not the first time that a musical artist as gone on stage or television to call people out.

Probably the most well known was Michael Jackson with his songs, that include a prison in two of his videos with his song, "They don't care about us". It is known that the Clinton's originally made their wealth from taking the "blood of prisoners", so a very important point that Michael was making.

Prince also put the word 'Slave' on his face, and refused to use his name, and chose a symbol instead, to stand up to the music industry people and record company.

As we know Kayne has called out the MSM in America, Beyonce, JayZ, and the Clintons, that have clearly impacted upon his life and the life of his family. He wished for his fans to know the truth when he had the opportunity and platform to do so.

My heart of compassion goes out to Kanye, and in so doing, my thoughts are with him, and I've spread the paint for his healing and journey. A Kayne mandala, as Jesus likes me to spread the paint.


26th November, 2016 

I see two golden fishes in the mandala for Kayne and the four directions. I see a lot more, although I will leave the interpretation for those that have the eyes to see it accurately. What I will say to you is that he has Jesus in his heart.


  1. Good news, Kayne West has been allowed home.

  2. More news of Kayne, they had him on pharmaceutical drugs prior to the event, and looking at these pics, his eyes are sad.
