
Monday 28 November 2016


I just remembered that yesterday I had a dream of a property developer that I knew in my 30's, he looked somewhat slimmer than he was before, and he was really happy to see me.

JAMES, he had a young child with him, I think it was his child, lovely child. He also had a blond haired woman with him, he likes blondes. I was pleased to see him too, and that's when his woman arrived, and he introduced me to her.

To dream of distant friends from the past, can indicate a predication of happy social times ahead with good companions. It can also indicate unexpected news, and in the dream I was pleasantly surprised that he had a child with him, a son, like my son when he was young.

To dream of a child of walking age, can indicate happiness in domestic affairs and or business interests. Whichever concerns you the most. Three in the dream, like in the judgement card, parents and a child.

James, the Apostle was involved in the story with the fish, and I have a lovely memory of being with James in his farmhouse kitchen with other friends. We were doing cooking together, and the head chef of a local college had been hired for the day, he was showing us how to fillet a fish, and cook different dishes.  

Together we all cooked a meal and in the evening, the people that we had invited to the dinner party, all came to eat with us. It was lovely, although there were many courses and we were very full. 

The fact that I was shown a specific person in the dream, with a man with the name of an apostle, is also an important aspect of the dream, as the work of that apostle biblically was really involved in communication. When I have a dream, if there is a connection with my own life, then I look at that first. Then afterwards how it could relate to other aspects. Property development, his business, so that is also an aspect worth considering especially as Donald John Trump has also been a property developer.

During our times shared together, we also attended business lunches together, business networking and charity events. He liked to organise the business breakfasts, and lunches, I also used to organise an annual charity event in November and that was to do with the new French red wine. Beaujolais Day, was always a day that business people looked forward to, as it was the beginning of the season for us business people. In my 30's, it was any excuse at all to raise money for local charity.

I think he was surprised when I spoke at one of the IOD lunches that James drove us too. My company business card was chosen to give a quick presentation, it was the first time that he had seen me speak professionally in front of him and other company directors.

There was no time to prepare for my presentation, my card had been chosen, and that was it, up I stood, before all of the men. I don't remember any other women being in attendance that day, although I am sure that there must of been some, as the guys like to have some ladies along at the lunches. I even remember what I was wearing that day, although it was a long time ago.

Interesting how platonic friends from the past appear in your dreams, for a reason.

Dreams like that remind me of what Jesus said, when he said to me, "Never forget who you are". 

Then today, the young plumber came, things are getting sorted out now, more builders are coming to finish off what they started. Little by little, one step at a time. 

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