
Friday 4 November 2016


A rich woman, Gina Miller is the woman behind the delay of and blocking of BREXIT. As such, in divine authority, I hereby declare that Gina Miller is judged with trying to influence the outcome of democracy, and the vote of the people. The reason given for Theresa May taking office without the vote of the conservative membership was given due to the urgency of actioning article 50.

Every day that the UK delays BREXIT, it is costing the people of the UK, 30M per day. As such, Gina Miller is not only impacting upon the choice of the people, she is also impacting on the countries revenue. So perhaps Gina Miller, colleagues, and partners, would like to pay up for what it is costing the people due to her actions. Enough, really is enough Gina Miller, please do not try our patience further.

Gina Miller wasn't even born in the UK, scandalous that the UK justice system even allowed it to go to court, costing our country even more money to defend it.  How dare people come to the UK from abroad, an immigrant, and then try to tell our people how to run our democracy.

How crazy is that - when you have a situation whereby, an immigrant is trying to stop the British electorate's democracy; to stop the flood of immigrants coming into our country. It is a bizarre situation, when you have immigrants standing against the indigenous population, and the British justice system allows it to happen.

Gina said that it's not about politics it's about the process. No, it's not about the process for you Gina, as the electorate voted for the referendum when the Conservatives went into office, they then voted again in the referendum. Done, the people and parliament were involved in a democratic way.

That's how we do it in our country, if you don't like it Gina, go back to your own country in South America. There is a lot of poor people in your country that could do with some financial help.


This painting came in prior to the pope from South America being elected.

1 comment:

  1. Feedback from Jacob Rees-Mogg on the court decision. He is clear that the agreement made was that article 50 was meant to be triggered immediately.
