
Thursday 17 November 2016


On the 11th July 2016, I had a dream of Phil Lynott and I saw a picture of Nigel Farage. Phil Lynott was really happy about BREXIT.

Phil's name means 'Lover of Horses", and it is also the name of an apostle of Jesus.

It was around 2012 time when I had a dream of a donkey and horses, the men got off of the horses and they "killed a donkey."

Immediately, I told the horses to leave immediately, otherwise they were going to be next.

Zechariah 12 mentions the horses and their riders. No coincidence then that Donald J Trump had a run in with the Saudi Prince when the Saudi Prince tweeted to Donald that he wouldn't be president. Trump then responded that he was a "Dopey Prince" and that he was not going to destroy America with his daddies money. That Saudi Prince spends a fortune on horses, he is a rider.

Now cross reference Zechariah 12 with Psalm 110. This is a Jewish translation of Psalm 110 and it mentions the volunteers.

After I had the dream of Phil Lynott and Nigel Farage, I also had a smell of the "Horseshit" that Americans have posted about this night. However, the "Donkeyshit" is about the DNC Soros paid protesters because the DNC has the symbol of a Donkey.

The MSM Donkey, that goes dropping it all over the news media, whipping up a frenzy on the streets of America. I used to say to the Americans that we are not going to Obama's party, as we had been forewarned what Obama was going to do with BLM, after every shooting. BLM that is also funded by George Soros, paid for protestors. Al Sharpton is now being sued, and so is BLM,  "Black Panthers", and the NOI.

In the bible, the "Donkey", is the 'Beast of Burden", and Hillary Clinton certainly has a heavy burden to carry due to what she has been involved in with George Soros. The Donkey was also known as the "Jackass". The "Jackass Protestors" and their supporters. What those protestors are doing in America is certainly not peaceful, scientific or lawful.

What do you expect when Obama and Clinton have been involved in it. Remember the Clinton cough? Clinton cough up, Clinton "Hysterical Feminists"? Why would the followers of Clinton and Obama be peaceful, scientific and lawful, when they have not been in the last 8 years? Remember what the DNC did to Libya and it's Libyan leader without any remorse at all.

Remember that American University Campuses have consistently stood against Israel with an "Obsession", "Hysteria", in "Co-Dependence" with the MSM, including the UN Human Rights Council that now has a major Muslim influence, with supporters of Islam.


Even in Scotland an Israeli was not allowed to speak at a university, to share the truth about Israel. The people that stand against Israel have done their utmost to close down freedom of speech in every reality that they can, at the same time as the defenders of Israel, have done their utmost to keep freedom of speech flowing to get the truth to the world.

The fact is that Israel has the right to exist, Donald J Trump has the right to be President of the USA, and Bannon has the right to have the job that Trump as selected him for. So have some decorum America, have some common decency and civility, otherwise you pay the price for not doing so, there are consequences for every action.

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