
Sunday 27 November 2016


In 2015, the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) said that they wouldn't publish their findings in the U.K. until 2017 after a meeting in Geneva.

The Guardian reported that this is the first country that has been investigated by the committee over human rights breaches. The UN have viewed documents, testimonies, including work capability assessment, "fit for work" tests, the bedroom tax, benefit sanctions, PIP, and the abolition of ILF.

Dpac co-founder Linda Burnip told the Guardian: "As this is the first time any country has been investigated by the UN using the optional protocol in the UNCRPD, it is an historic and momentous event that would make most politicians recoil with shame. Whether or not it will have this effect on the Tories, we will have to wait and see". 

Signatories to the convention agree to "protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity".

Why it takes two years to investigate, write a report, and publish it, is an incredibly lengthy amount of time when people are suffering immensely. Even after the report is published, there is no guarantee that the British politicians will stop the "economic cruelty" that has been going on for years.

Perhaps the British government should be sanctioned, so that they get the message. Ban Theresa May, and her cabinet from entering other countries that honour Human Rights law, are there in fact any that do?  Of course, the American system of "economic cruelty", as also been operating in other EU countries in recent years.

In a recent interview with John Pilger, investigative journalist, and documentary film maker, he agreed that in one of the richest nations on the planet, there is absolutely no requirement for austerity.

What the Tories have done in the U.K. is turn business people against the very people that they depend on to vote for them. It comes to something when conservative voters, won't vote for the Tories due to what they've done to the poorest of our nation. Not all business people end their lives in business rich, and wealthy. Especially, if their business was impacted upon by what Conservatives and the bankers have implemented.

The Conservatives have to remember that people suffer health conditions, and that applies to business people too, business people are not immune to having health issues. In fact, business people are more prone to having health issues, Steve Jobs is a prime example of that. At the end of the day, money will not save you, even if you pay for your treatment privately.

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