
Monday 14 November 2016

Clinton "Hysteria"

It was during the election campaign that Putin called out Clinton for her "hysteria", now we see the outcome of that on the streets of America.  It has become known that there are professional protestors that are being paid to protest the outcome of the election.

In this video, Sgt. Demetrick Pennie and his attorney Larry Klayman, who are suing President Obama and Black Lives Matter, give their feedback on the American 'anti-Trump' riots.

The Obama's certainly know how to put "fuel on the fire" and we warned people about that when he first took office. They didn't go on mass protest when he bombed Pakistan, or when the Obama-Clinton regime took out the Libyan leader did they?

Clinton "Hysteria", that caused "mass hysteria" in America over an election in a democracy. Seriously, whatever next? I used to ask what do you feed your children America?


So many in the universities are hugging dogs, do they know that Donald J Trump was born in the year of the dog, man's best friend.

On this Wiki link it mentions the "Clinton Cough" that was filmed during the election campaign. "As when a patient coughs to release energy pent-up from keeping a secret".  So can we say that the Clinton cough was a sign to her followers that they knew that she would give to action the paid protestors on social media? Clinton was coughing again two days prior to the election day.


It is written that a Jungian psychologist, Laurie Layton Schapira has explored the "Cassandra Complex" suffered by those that manifest "hysteria". Her view is based upon the archetypes of Cassandra and Apollo.

Laurie viewed the "Cassandra Woman", as a woman that is prone to "hysteria", when she feels "attacked" from the outer world and also from within her own body. Certainly, Wikileaks releasing all of those emails of truth about the Clinton's would certainly have triggered some of those women, you can't argue with the written evidence when it came from Clinton herself and her staff.

The Clinton's didn't care who they "crushed", and it included her own staff and supporters, that is evident in the emails. There is plenty of evidence for those that have the eyes to see.

Biblically, it mentions the 'Calamity', and this timeline has been the "Clinton Calamity", that came upon Clinton and her followers due to the disclosures.



Clinton even wrote about droning the embassy where Julian Assange has been living. Does Clinton really think that she is going to get off and walk away free after the "war crimes" that she engaged in?

The Clinton Foundation has been under investigation for the last year, and the investigation of it is still in operation. The last that we heard about the Clinton Foundation staff,  the CEO, Eric Braverman had asked Russia for asylum.

Publisher, Julian Assange and the whistleblowers are being recommended for a Nobel. This video was uploaded today, he has made his statement to the Swedish in London.

Wisdom did try to warn Americans years in advance of what would come to be if they supported Obama-Clinton administration, as it is mentioned in Rev 13. There is only one country known for its 'Black Panthers' and that is America.

I also warned astrologers in advance of the election, that this time, they would have no impact upon the election in America. The people had said, enough is enough. 2012, was the end of the world as they had known it. The DNC have the donkey as their symbol, and biblically that is the 'Beast of Burden'.

They were all happy in the desert weren't they at the "Burning Man Festival", the Clinton celebrities,  can look back now and think about what they were engaged in. What their influence has been in helping to co-create "hysteria", in their country of America, pre and post election. It's also impacted upon Canadians, and the Feminists are trying to make it international.

On the front of this feminist website, they have uploaded an "Anti-Trump" message, feminists focussing on one target, one man. A prosperous and successful business man that has been democratically elected President of the USA.

"Hysterical Feminists" is an appropriate term for them, for truly that is what they are.

In 2011, a feature film "Hysteria", was released in the UK and it was about Victorian England, a comedic film, about the doctors and how they came up with the idea for the vibrator for women's hysteria.  In 2014, there was a TV series in America, called "Hysteria", it featured Houston and it was about the spreading of it with the use of technology and social media. 

Certainly the MSM in America, and other countries have a lot to answer for; due to their enabling of the "Clinton Hysteria."  The dictionary defines it as an "Excessive Emotional" response, and Americans never do things in small doses do they, the feminists do like the drama to get attention.

"Hysteria" can also be the result of too much "self-centredness", it's all about their radical feministic views that everyone has to accept, while they will not even accept the outcome of the electoral vote in a democracy.

They say they are for social justice, yet, the feminists are holding up signs that demand the "Rape" of Mr Trump's beautiful wife. Not only that but Twitter have allowed it to trend on their website.

One might ask where are they coming from? When these "Excessively Emotional" people are calling for the taking out of the new president of the USA, how can they seriously call that love?

These are the same people that supported Obama and Clinton even after they took out the leader of Libya before the eyes of the world. All those Africans that had jobs in Libya and had to flee the American war against Libya. America never ceased to shock the world with its "war crimes", truly, it is time for it to stop.

Thank goodness that the birds were sent to feed yours truly during this timeline, and that charity was standing by, with the power of love beyond measure. Even now, I only have a few pounds to live on.

Yet, you were more important to yours truly, you and your children.  For this is an historical time in the history of the planet, one that I had to be involved in for the sake of humanity and its future. Especially for the sanctity of Western civilisation and it's children, we said no, on mass, to "cultural genocide", both in the UK, now the USA, and more will come in the forthcoming European elections.

Thank goodness that Melania Trump will be living in the White House, a real feminine woman that is a blessing to her husband and his compassionate heart. 

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