
Thursday 24 November 2016


When I woke up today I received the message "CHRISTIAN MAYOR', after I got up I went to see what was going on in the social networks, there was news of Donald J Trump with his "Thanks Giving" message to the American people. There was the video about Donald -v- MSM.

There was news about the fire in Israel that began in the Judean Mountain area of Natif.

So what else do we have on the MAYOR, when I was a child we went to the Lord's Mayor Show around this time of the year. Dad would put me on his shoulders in Fleet Street, so that I could see everything. The Son of Joseph liked me to see the historical show, in the location where he worked in Fleet Street. Everything he did had a very important reason for being.

However, London doesn't have a Christian Mayor any longer, it now has a Muslim Mayor, that is trying to change our culture to suit his beliefs.

In Israel, Muslims have also been standing against the fact, that Israeli's would like to quieten the loud noise from the minarets, and their call to prayer to the mosques and in London they were trying to build the biggest mosque that would be bigger than St Paul's Cathedral. However, there was a petition raised against the building of it.

Is it a coincidence that after the call to quieten the Islamic call for prayer in Israel, that the fire came upon it? I don't think so, Muslims like that "hell of a noise" to be inflicted upon Israeli communities of Jewish and Christian people in Israel.

I would ban it completely, if I was the Christian or Jewish Mayor, although I like the sound of Church bells, especially on a Sunday morning and on wedding days.

The meaning of the word "Mayor", it is written that the meaning of the word Mayor in Latin means "bigger" and it is the highest ranking official in a municipal government such as a city or a town.

However, I can see how the word in Latin links back to Hebrew.

In the time of King John, the mayor was chosen and elected by popular choice, and so it carried on being a title of privilege, and the privilege had been given by the people to represent the people.

In the U.K., mayors are selected from the local councils and councillors, so they have a career in politics, I think that should be reversed, and that the people should vote for the mayor on-line.

The people could put forward the names of any person from their community, that they would recommend to be the mayor and then people could vote for them. Donald J Trump was not a politician, yet, he became the President-Elect of America, the choice of the people.

There are many people that do great things in our communities to preserve our cultures, things that deserve recognition. One of the ways that we can reward those people that have defended our communities and history, is by giving them the opportunity to become the mayor of the community where they have worked and given of their time and life.

Seriously, enough of the "career politicians".

If you are a Christian country, then you have Christian Mayors, simple as that and people from other religions should not be permitted to become a mayor of your country because the Mayor is to honour the existing cultural traditions, history, and make sure that they defend the Christian culture and historical people. It is an historical position of privilege, given by the people to honour the people, only people that are committed to that should be considered for the job. In the country towns and cities the job is given for a year.

However, a Christian Mayor doesn't have to mean a Christian that goes to Church on Sunday. There are many people that are Christians in their hearts, but do not attend any official organisation.

There are many spiritual people that embrace Jesus in their hearts, but they wouldn't refer to themselves as a Christian necessarily, even though they were baptised as children. So it doesn't have to be a Church Christian for Mayor, in fact, it would be quite refreshing to have some spiritual people and healers exalted for a change in our local communities.

If you inflict your country with massive immigration of non-Christians, you then put yourselves in the same position as London did. That Muslim Mayor, had the backing of Jeremy Corbyn, that has also called Nigel Farage and Donald J Trump names.

What we can say about Nigel and Donald is that they do honour Christian traditions and communities and Jeremy Corbyn has not. For if he did, then he wouldn't have supported a Muslim man becoming the mayor of the location were I was born.

Human rights, and equal opportunities, doesn't mean that you give our country away to other people from other nations.

I was born at University College Hospital in Gower Street, London, many children from Jewish families, and families with a Jewish heritage were born at that hospital. It is an historical hospital in London town. So many different teaching hospitals in London, although from what I've seen, the hospitals in Israel look like they are of a higher standard and quality in the 21st century.

You have to be tenacious, courageous, and defend, be vigilant and dauntless.

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